Christ is our peace in this world and as the Prince of peace, He brought the peace we have with God to us, through His powerful sacrifice on the cross. This peace has the intense practical power to rule our hearts, permeate our thoughts and govern our actions, if we must function and remain victorious in our world as Christians.
Reference: Colossians 3:15 New International Version (NIV) "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."
Letting the peace of Christ rule in our hearts is our duty as Christians. Note that we are called into one body by this peace. What does this mean? It simply means that we were once at enmity with God but through Christ, our relationship with God was restored and solidified, and so we made peace with God and became a part of His glorious family. By Paul using this term, "you were called to peace", it implies that God Himself made it possible through the gift of His Son, paving the way so that we can have peace with Him.
However, God's desire for us is to develop this peace in us as a ruling system because it is designed to dictate and govern our Christian life, as well as build up the whole body of Christ in unity with Him. Without this peace and its reign in our hearts, our intimate relationship with God will never excel beyond the ordinary. Therefore, by letting this peace rule in our hearts and perfect our individual souls in the likeness of Christ, we can exercise authority over any troubling circumstances and always prevail by God.
In John 16:33, Jesus said, "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world" (NIV). Notice the clause, "I have told you all this..." In other words, the first step to establishing the rule of this peace in our hearts is by receiving the words of Christ with meekness and submitting wholly to His Lordship. Once we have the Word and the Spirit of Christ controlling our hearts, the peace of Christ will be established in us in its deepest form.
In our referenced Scripture, apostle Paul also added the need for us to be thankful in all the process. Therefore, as the peace rules in our hearts, we must be thankful and remain grateful to God, such that no matter the outside force, trials, challenge or negativity in the world, we can live and function undisturbed, with unspeakable joy because the Prince of peace has already overcome the world for us, granting us the victory and ensuring our dominion. Shalom!
Scripture Reading - Psalm 29:11; Ephesians 2:14-15; Philippians 4:6-7; Ephesians 4:3-4; Colossians 1:12.
Guided Prayer: Father in heaven, I thank you because I'm forever yours in Christ Jesus. As the God of peace, you found me and made peace with me through the efficacy of Christ's atoning sacrifice on the cross. Therefore, I walk worthy of your calling grace upon my life, agreeing to the rule of peace unto which I'm called for effectual Christian living. Christ, the Prince of peace, works mightily in me through the Holy Spirit to establish the fruit of peace in my life and my world, and I'm constantly grateful in Jesus' Name, Amen!