Interact with inspirational quotes based on the Word of God and spiritual chanting. They awaken the essence of being, refresh the soul, and recharge the spirit (Ecclesiastes 12:9-11 MSG).
Advice does not have sufficient power to save the lost soul; the glorious gospel is only the power that delivers salvation to the lost.
Prayer defines the posture of a heart totally dependent on God; it is the language of communication for those who can't make it on their own.
Without authority, no divine purpose can come to fulfilment. Every divine purpose is accompanied and accomplished by the wisdom of authority.
The Kingdom of God is a domain where the will of God is serviced, not where the ambition of men are expressed.
The accurate and exact knowledge of God is the only facility that shapes your walk with God and gives value to your faith.
Those who worry a lot, do not know a lot about God.
The Word of God is the sign post pointing to salvation, healing, health, protection, victory and all-round prosperity. Don't stop at the sign post; read and activate the signpost with your mouth, so you can always arrive safely at the listed destinations.
Having a personal relationship with God does not mean 'working for God' rather it means 'walking with God'. You are not hired; you are a heir of the Kingdom.
Wisdom, patience, and greatness are very good friends. They are as close as human hair is to the skull.
The greatest challenge a man can encounter in life is not the devil (he is already defeated). It is lack of knowledge and the right application of it.
Words carry creative energy. Introducing the Word of God into your system is piling up accurate information with the potential to construct and shape your greatness.
God's Word is best received with meekness, not with intellectual intelligence.
It matters the time you give to God because it takes time to know God. The profound nature of God is not cheaply revealed to men. It takes a great deal of spiritual hunger. And until that hunger supersedes every other desire in your life, you'll still be far from entertaining God successfully.
Just because God loves us does not mean His presence is cheap. Anything of value carries a great price.
The answer to every limitation in your life is the arrival of the Holy Spirit at the scene.
Durability is the energy of strong faith.
Stop patronising your past. Its difficult to locate God in the past because His Name is not the 'GREAT I WAS'. He is the 'GREAT I AM'.
Perfection in Christ does not mean 'flawless'; it means stable maturity in spiritual understanding and communication.
A life of purpose in Christ is more rewarding and fulfilling than a life of fame.
God's purpose for your life is the stronghold of your destiny.
The Word of God is not just designed to inspire, it is also designed to inform, reform, transform, and perform, as you conform.
Concentration is the zip code of success in any area of life, be it in academics, any career, and also, in human affairs' management.
Concentration is the strength of determination.
The measure of the strength of your concentration is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but how well you can focus in the midst of pressure and in surrounding and inviting influences.
A concentration maintained today is a springboard to future success, to bigger and greater achievements.
Concentration is what you do about your goals and how you align yourself with the requirements of your assignment; enthusiasm is how you feel about it and the interest you invest in it.
Laughter is the effect of being filled with expressions of joyful emotions, created by joyous moments. We don't always laugh because its a laughing matter; laughter is a fantastic outreach and response toward all things, with drastic element of faith.
Miraculous encounters flow in the direction of man's expectation. Low expectation; less miraculous experience.
God doesn't reward man based on his level of achievement; His reward is based on faithfulness at any level of genuine commitment.
Walking in God's perfect will, equals divine accuracy.
Your results are the actual value of your faith; they're as exactly as your faith is.
Bible stories are real stories. They are full of shadows and realities of eternal truths, played out in the practical lives of real people.
Spirit-based realities are established by utterances, not by acquiring them as head knowledge.
The realm where God addresses and responds to issues is higher than the realm where men address issues.
The energy that you give expression to is the byproduct of the spirit you are yielded to.
Hell was not created for nothing. It is an arranged overflow for anyone who fails to secure a place in heaven, in the realm of time. Reflect!
Your authority in Christ can only be exercised to the level of your submission to the Holy Spirit
Eternity has nothing to do with the breath on a man's nostril. It transcends time. It is a realm of immortality; a force that sustains unending existence.
Spiritual realities vary at different energy levels. It is the reason God does not do business with all men at the same spiritual vista, level and dimension.
In order to be relevant in God's calendar, the sacrifice of alignment to His perfect will for you cannot be ignored.
The move of God is run on the economy of wisdom and power, not on the frequency of eloquence and charisma.
The pathway of sacrifice is the key to greatness in God's Kingdom.
Walking in God's perfect will, equals divine accuracy.
To be constantly governed by the Holy Spirit's intelligence, is to emit God as an energy in your world.
Spirituality does not exist at the realm of feelings and emotions; it sustains its flow on the strength of God's Spirit.
Jesus is a theatre, full of miraculous wonders and performances. All His dimensions are the expression of the miraculous. A genuine encounter with Him will usually leave you with a lasting testament.
The beauty of the new creation lies in his ability to reveal, express and manifest the attributes of divinity in the earth realm.
The main purpose of every encounter with God is to climb new height in the consciousness of His essence. The more you encounter God, the more the reality of His essence becomes your established awareness.
Faith has nothing to do with trial and error. It is simply an access code for claiming and obtaining your inheritance in Christ.
Every challenge or adversity you encounter is your size, fitted for your promotion. They equip you for your purpose. Never be discouraged or dismayed because you're already labelled "blessed and triumphant" in Christ.
Worry is one of the most useless activities in life. All it changes is blood pressure. The lasting cure for worry is to be anxious for nothing.
You cannot convince men about God in the open effectively until you convince God about men in the closet.
There's no possible balance between spirituality and worldliness. Carnality cannot cope with the things of the Spirit. It will give way to the other.
Wisdom is the ability to connect to any revelation from God's Word and engage it for victory and dominion over any situation contrary to God's plan for you.
By planting God's Word as a seed, you can create any possibility you desire, in line with God's will.
There's no spiritual truth or revelation that delivers notable results without persistent application. Every truth is persistent friendly; you must be consistent with it.
Trouble is a sign that God desires a new level of relationship with you. It always calls for a new height of fellowship and consultation with God. If you upgrade your personal relationship with God, you'll definitely respond to trouble with the mindset of a victor.
'We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them', the spies reported. But Caleb had a different spirit. Its not about the physical stature of a man; its the spirit backing him up that counts. Your report and self perception have a lot to do with the way you approach life, and they are a direct function of the ability of the spirit active in you.
Faith is a spiritual touch. You can touch God by faith. He usually responds with great delight.
There is no sense of limitation in Christ because Christ is a place of unlimited possibilities. For with God, all things are possible.
God's sovereignty or predestination does not disqualify man's free will. Man has a free will to make choices. However man's salvation is by predestination.
Success in God's Kingdom does not happen on the frequency of struggle. You won't find it there. It flows on the frequency of grace, which the Holy Spirit supervises.
On His way to feed his elder brothers and check on their welfare, he encountered Goliath. It wasn't David's plan in the first place. The giant-sized prey unfortunately got in his way!
To know and access the will of God, study His Word. To walk in God's will, do His Word.
Fear is a negative advice waiting to be activated. Courage is a positive advice waiting to be actioned. The advice you activate or action, will determine the results you establish.
Success is attracted first, by the positive transitions that take place in your mind.
The results in any area of life can be short-lived unless they come with sustainable growth.
Everything that happens in a man's life is a reflection of what is already in his mind. Therefore, to function in excellence, keep your mind steadily subscribed to new intelligence and rewarding creativities.
Marry a spouse who needs you as much as you need him/her.
Understanding is proof of mastery. Whatever you have that you cannot sustain, did not come to you by understanding.
Faith in God and living by His Word facilitate lasting joy and promotion.
The voice of God is implanted in the Scriptures. Declaring the Scriptures is echoing His voice and a means of giving it an external form.
Just as the moon reflects the light of the Sun, we reflect the glory of God, when we meditate on His Word.
Faith is a means of exchange in the supernatural realm. It can afford and acquire any blessing God has in store for you, regardless of the size.
The light of God's Word is the emblem of true prosperity.
Revelation knowledge manifests light; Ignorance of God's Word promotes darkness.
The real power of God's peace is usually demonstrated in the biggest storm.
God weighs the level of our spiritual growth in a scale of our services to Him, plus faith and trust in Him.
Exercising raw faith in God in the hills of tribulation, keeps you in balance against any opposition.
A man with a weak faith does not need a storm of trials to blow his hope to pieces; a mere puff of wind will do it.
If we could give all the love in our hearts in one offering, how much would your love for God weigh? Radical love for God is the key to a life of wonder.
Opposition is a clear sign that God has given it to you.
The habit of studying God's Word and staying in fellowship with the Holy Spirit ensures the clarity of God's purpose for your life. Refuse to take such habit for granted!
You won't make heaven because you are so nice but because you are born again.
Familiarity and low expectations are masked enemies of miracle.
There's an attitude to receiving the Word of God for a change or for the miracle you desire to take place in your life. Stand your ground; refuse to give in to distractions or lying vanities. Be expectant & stay focused!
Your lasting success in life is dependent on the right and continuous application of the law of faith.
In life, knowledge is vast but the wise man goes for the right knowledge. This is because not every knowledge increases wisdom and adds lasting value. The knowledge of good and evil will always abound; however the choice is yours!
laughter is the beginning of strength, but joy sustains it.
Your victory in Christ Jesus is certain but not automatic. You must be willing to engage divine principles embedded in God's Word to establish it in your world.
If it affects you, it is God's business too. You are the apple of His very eyes.
Expressing confidence or being positive in an unfavourable circumstance is not inexperience or cluelessness. It's a function of mastered repose and absolute dominion.
Our limited perspective about God cannot make Him less than who He already is. He's been Almighty before any creation existed and He is Almighty forever.
Let the Holy Spirit help you fulfil your destiny. Don't drag your purpose.
Do not study God's Word with an intent to acquire knowledge but with an intent to know and encounter God.
True worship is a solemn adoration to God for who He is. It is an expression of Godly reverence characterized by deep sincerity.
Faith always rests upon the power of God to perform His Word. Faith affirms that with God involved in that matter, it's not impossible!
The level of your active relationship with God always determines the extent of your challenges and the quality of blessings that locate you.
It takes just a little fear to bow to challenging and difficult situation but it takes a lot of courage to stand firm on God's Word in the face of the same situation. Therefore use the Word often to build and sustain courage.
No glorious destiny is possible and attainable without the influence and empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
To stand out in life, you must develop a dedicated degree of passion to please God.
Faith cannot be faked because it involves real personal experience gained by one's ability to withstand opposition.
All things are possible to Him that believes; therefore make failure unacceptable.
Your access to vision and fresh revelation of spiritual truths is limited without the Holy Spirit. He is the key to accessing any glorious insight.
During natural birth, a mother gives birth to a human being with a limited life span. However, anyone can extend or beat this life span by changing the status from 'limited' to 'eternal'. Simply put, limited life is available in natural man; eternal life is available in Christ.
Your faith-coated declarations are programmed positive events queued for manifestation. They are testimonies waiting to be published.
The strength of faith is displayed in its victory over fears. God honours faith; and great faith moves God to action.
Be free of people's opinion; be full of God's Word. Let the Word of God dwell richly in you. Any opinion that does not line up with God's will is sense-based.
In Christ Jesus, nothing needs to be fixed. The finished work on your behalf doesn't need further editing. Everything about your greatness is unfolding perfectly. So when you stand in your "now", accepting that all is well, and then speak faith-filled words, in line with that consciousness, you become surrounded by more and more evidence that all is well.
Know who you are. Then know what you want in life. Locate the cost and go for it. Then pay the price & you'll have it in reality
The Holy Spirit is our permanent possession as Christians. Thank God for the precious gift of His Spirit that makes the difference in our lives and guarantees our good success in life
Until you give up, God is committed to honouring His Word in your life.
You can't have a destiny-transforming encounter with God while walking in the flesh.
There's no fiction about the Christian faith. It is a proven reality with historical facts, evidences and eyewitnesses.
God's Word is the ultimate authority that grants expression to the dimensions of God in our faith walk.
Divine wisdom is a Spirit-inspired insight that generates solutions from spiritual realities and revelation.
A contrite heart and a broken spirit are a proven system that denotes humility and beckons the mercy of God.
The degree to which God breaks and moulds you is the degree to which He uses you to make a difference.
Your life is a written script in the spirit realm, with the roles being acted in time realm by you and the connections in your world.
The feeling of goosebumps does not indicate the active presence of the Holy Spirit in you.
The power of God unto salvation is the only medium for positioning men's lives to conform to the ordinances of God's will for their lives.
Quality praise and worship trigger the jealousy of God in your direction.
To walk by the dictates of the flesh is to undermine the relevance of the Holy Spirit's guidance.
Death to ego grants access to unusual dimension of divine attention and glory.
Your stand with God is more important than men's applause.
Prayerlessness is a powerful barrier to effective flow with divinity.
The Kingdom of God revolves around One man and His name is Jesus Christ, the radiance of God's glory.
The manifestation of great dimension of blessings in your life depends on the conscious awareness of your identity in Christ.
Our true priorities are revealed in the way we use things that we cherish most.
In Christ, evil plot is often God's original plan to lift you.
The new creation is loaded with divine possibilities but to host and manifest those possibilities, he must be subjected to God's Word to gain an intensifying degree of transformation based on His image.
The power of God is not based on doctrine; it is the expression of the dimensions of God in any human sphere of influence.
The Holy Spirit is the seal and signature of man's relationship with God.
Spiritual growth is the product of alignment with the Holy Spirit.
Effectual fervent prayer is the cornerstone for Kingdom results.
No past is too dark to stop salvation; no sin is too much to run from God.
Giving voice to the Word of God commands spiritual energy and angelic assistance.
The Holy Spirit is immanent in new creation.
The heart-centered practice of God's Word is the key to transcendence.
The quality of spiritual investment you make today will determine the level of divine possibilities you'll meet tomorrow.
Faith declarations transmit powerful and creative sounds which allow us to craft our own reality.
Without being in synchrony with the Holy Spirit, you'll never have the foundation required to build an intimate relationship with the Godhead.
Effective prayer life is the portal for spiritual transactions that rain down spiritual blessings.
The Church is the umbrella of grace in the dispensation of the Holy Spirit.
If you speak and stand on the Word, the Word will stand and speak for you.
The voice of the Holy Spirit determines the surest route to fulfilling any glorious destiny in Christ.
Your vision is the evidence of your glory and the substance of your God-ordained destiny.
There's always a Haman close to the promotion of a God-fearing person.
No born again Christian just decided to be in Christ; God factored you in before the foundation of the earth was laid.
In Christ, every saint is called to mirror God's dimensions and become a representative of His reality in the earth realm.
The full display of your divinity begins when you travel deep into the portal where Christ is fully formed in you.
You won't make heaven because you are so nice but because you are born again.
Your unrelenting pursuit of God will typically bring a notable transformation in your life. Love God and hold on to Him at all costs, no matter the cost!
A true Christian service is more of a heart-work, than an eye-catching display.
Charisma without Christ is a mere empty vanity.
Effective prayer life is practical; it is mastered by praying without ceasing.
The practice of truth is the product of profitable submission to the Word of God.
Helping people in need gives a sense of purpose. Its like infecting them with positivity, new outlook and confidence when you notice that they're going through tough times.
Divine inspiration is the fruit of a mind that meditates on the Word.
Once you've got so much kindness to give, you'll easily get in touch with people's positive emotions.
If you doubt the power of faithfulness, just look at how far the enemy can go to silence the faithful because we live in a crooked and wicked world.
Arguing with wicked people is unwise. As experts in evil schemes, they will beat you with their experience. Always take them down by prayer!
Meditation on the Word propels your divine inheritance to emerge from the invisible world.
Your past is no barrier when you are constantly focused on a brighter and a glorious future.
The active presence of Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian is the inherent power that dominates the desires of the flesh.
Encountering challenge is inevitable; being victorious through Christ is by choice.
Trust is the stable frequency of keeping your eyes fixed on God, no matter the circumstance.
Spiritual growth is not attained by imitating Christ but by inhabitation and formation of Christ in you.
When you water your expectations with praise, you fast-track your miracle.
The Word of God is ultrapractical and solution - oriented.
God's Word is the standard for reality check.
The more you have the understanding of God's Word, the more the Word influences your lifestyle.
Prayer is a spiritual transaction introduced by God's intelligence to serve as a divine solution to human problems.
Dominion is the strength and credential of the new creation. It is a dimension of power that enforces the authority of the divine in the earth realm.
Applying divine principles informed by the Scriptures helps in wise decision making.
Praying in the Holy Spirit is praying in fervency.
When you master the act of unbroken focus, distraction and failure turn to vapour.
We prevail in prayer to the extent we believe God.
The guidance of the Holy Spirit is the recipe for spiritual growth.
Salvation is a free gift from God. It is the effect of being quickened by His power unto righteousness in Christ Jesus.
God doesn't waste challenges. He uses them to develop and season His own into maturity for His purpose.
Everything gets better with the Holy Spirit.
In Christ, we don't receive what we work for, we receive what Jesus paid for.
A sound preaching that transforms lives is not a function of oratory, but a function of Holy Spirit's inspired utterance.
Father Abraham has the bloodline of generational prosperity.
If you don't have expectations, God cannot do much for you.
You can never create in your world what has never been birthed in the womb of your heart and conceived in your mind.
Your spoken words today are your reality tomorrow. Therefore be intentional about what you speak concerning your life and circumstance; also be mindful of the details because you're setting the platform for the reality your experience.
You are from above! One of the reasons you are here on earth is to manifest God's glory, to display His virtues and perfection. Live confidently with this consciousness and Keep at it today & always!
You owe it to yourself to become God's dream for you. The secret is to love God with all your heart
Feelings are mere visitors, they come and go. They are not residents and reliable. Refuse to let them influence your major decision makings.
Worries don't work, prayers do. Nothing worries the devil like a person who talks to God often. That's easiest way to transfer worries to the devil.
Measuring your success with the meter of the "applauses" you receive from people can affect the pace of your progress. Applause will keep you going for while, but discipline and consistent fellowship with the Holy Spirit will keep you growing perpetually.
Measuring your success with the meter of the "applauses" you receive from people can affect the pace of your progress. Applause will keep you going for while, but discipline and consistent fellowship with the Holy Spirit will keep you growing perpetually.
It's one thing to receive the blessing of the Lord; its another thing to walk in that blessing. To function as a blessed man, keep growing in the Word.
You may have trust issues with men, but do not engage God with such mentality. He is the main source of true blessings!
Education is man's information; Revelation is God's explanation!
Faith is holding on to the truth in God's Word until it becomes your reality.
God did not begin to exist one day and He will never go out of existence someday.
The habit of observing holy communion is the cornerstone of the Christian faith.
In the physical world we live, the only certainty is uncertainty, but in Christ, certainty is the Word of God.
If you know your God, it doesn't matter how dead the situation is, it will come back to life.
The beauty of answered prayers is that it sustains the joy of continual conversation with our heavenly Father.
Salvation is universal in time.
Determination is an inward alarm clock.
Faithfulness is the bedrock of Kingdom Stewardship.
Good decisions are a stepping stone to great heights.
A good Christian leader is more concerned about the inward development and spiritual growth of their followers, than just their performance.
When your focus is on God, you become an object of God's focus.
Clarity of purpose helps us to move in the right direction and take the right step towards the future.
As a born again Christian, the life of God is resident in you but the characteristics of a Spirit-filled life is developed by discipline.
You can become the greatest man that ever lived, if the woman behind you is worth far more than rubies.
You can't be a successful Christian leader, unless you are constantly led by the Spirit.
When you're criticised, your reaction determines your elevation and honour.
Once you become a spiritual leader, the way God treats you is strictly different from the way He treats your audience.
If your spouse doesn't celebrate your victory and success, you don't have a little problem.
Reflecting on the Scripture is the key to transcendence, for it offers us an opportunity to rub minds with the Godhead, and to create sacred chambers in the spirit realm, which allow us to craft our own reality
Every born again Christian is a product of the altar of Calvary.
When Jesus said, 'it is finished', He inserted your mistakes, handballs and errors in His ultimate sacrificial system.
How we perceive, makes us who we are.
Love is more precious than faith and hope in the treasury of heaven.
If Jesus died to save the world, we cannot live to please the world.
In the spiritual realm, a Christian is as strong and energetic as His prayer life.
Salvation is a priceless garment, as well as our greatest asset because the value is everlasting.
The Holy Spirit is the key to accessing all blessings, inheritance and privileges in Christ.
Christmas ought to be celebrated through the lens of who Christ is, what He's done for you and what that means to you
Our love for Christ is limited, if we cannot live with an undying zeal for salvation of the souls of men.
Divine nature is our custom-made design in Christ.
When you follow God's perfect will for your life, you won't be free from challenges and persecution, but you'll be favoured.
You can always change your life and transport yourself into a fuller and more aware faith level with God's Word.
Prayer is the emblem of positive change.
There is always time for growth and wise decisions with God.
God's perfect plans for you does not change.
God will always move you from despair to destiny if you love Him.
Christ is God's glorious perfection in you; the revelation and application of His perfection through the Word brings out the perfect "you".
If you build a tower of achievement on a wrong foundation, it is bound to come tumbling down.
None of us arrived on this earth as a mistake. Even the unborn are spirits waiting to take on fleshly bodies at their ordained timing.
The springboard for abundant grace is faith.
The Spirit of might is the executive power of the Godhead.
A physical body is a great asset in time realm.
The root of success at any stage in Christian life is the divine instruction faithfully acted upon.
God's Word is the core foundation of a righteous life.
The fear of God is the sunshine of prosperity.
Real growth in grace is the result of persistent faith in God.
Praising God is not a fleeting feeling; it is a radiant celebration of faith in Christ.
Worship is another reverent expression that lends value to our faith.
There is the Spirit life. You fix things there and then you watch them happening down here. Its like a playback!
The intelligence you live by, determines the kind of harvests and outcomes you get.
The whole key of the Christian life is to know God better through the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation.
God doesn't know how to complain because He couldn't create anything too hard for Him to fix.
No matter how intimate your relationship with the Lord is, you are never exempt from the trials and challenges that come with being devoted to God.