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Jesus Christ came to earth to do the will of God by preaching the Good News and giving people insight into the realities of the Kingdom of God and introducing mankind to the eternal hope that we have in Him.

Reference: John 6:38 New Living Translation (NLT)

"For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to do my own will."

From this Scripture, we can clearly understand that while on earth, as long as Jesus was in human flesh, He had His own will, but He forfeited it to do God's will and fulfil His eternal purpose. If Jesus could submit to God's will and abandon His own will, what does this tell or teach us? For us today, the right questions are first, what is God's will? Second, how can we do or follow it?

God's revealed will is the Word of His grace and glorious Gospel. Doing God's will or living in His perfect will simply means basing your life's actions and decisions on God's Word through faith in Christ. However, it is not just making your life's decisions based on the Word, its also following the guid­ance of the Spirit and acting on His promptings, even when you don't feel like it or when it doesn't make sense to the human mind. It's one thing to have the presence of God in your life, and it's another thing to follow His guidance and promptings through the intelligence of Holy Spirit in you. In other words, by the Spirit, you can access the wisdom and direction you require to guide you in life's decisions according to God's will.

To follow and to do God's will for our lives, we must first of all, understand that there are Biblical principles and covenants laid out for us to live by. This is why we must study the Word on a regular basis and be diligent in it. For instance, when we want to make some certain decisions in life, as Christians guided by the Spirit of God, we can ask good questions such as, "What does God's Word say about this decision? Is this decision I'm about to take the right one, according to God's will? Is this opportuni­ty the right one for me? What is God's mind concerning this new plan? These are wise questions because Ecclesiastes 10:10 (KJV) says, "wisdom is profitable to direct."

It is also the same regarding every aspect of life such as managing our finances, career and marital relationship. For instance, we can always find out what the will of God is, regarding the stewardship of our finances, time, and other resources. In other words, does the Bible say anything about tithing and oblation? How can I apply them and make wise decisions in managing my finances? The answer to such good questions can be found in the Scriptures. This is the reason we must study to know God's Word very well, as well as seek Godly counsels for well-advised Biblical guidance and enlightenment. The Bible says in 2 Timothy 3:16 (NLT): "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right."

Doing God's will is living according to His Word because all Scriptures are inspired by God and are beneficial for teaching, for rebuke, for correction and for training in righteousness. If you want to function properly within the circumference of divine wisdom like Jesus, whose consciousness while on earth was far from doing His own will but the will of God, then you must learn to practise the Word and be willing to evaluate your decisions, opportuni­ties and desires under the light of the Word (1 Peter 4:1-2 NIV). That means, we can make up our minds to live our lives completely based on God's will, not based on our own human understanding, wisdom and opinion. That way, we are sure to live out God's will on earth and take actions that are God-honouring. Shalom!

Scripture Reading - Matthew 7:21; John 7:17; Hebrews 13:20-21; 1 John 2:17.

Exuberant Declaration:

I acknowledge that Christ Jesus is the embodiment of God's grace and truth and I daily submit to His Lordship and perfect will. The consciousness of this truth shapes my faculty of reasoning and walk with God, thereby positioning me to walk in active harmony with the will of God for me. Today and always, I identify with my heavenly Father's will through the knowledge of the Word and the presence of the Spirit in my life. Hence I walk in victory, power, favour, good success and all-round prosperity. Hallelujah!




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