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If you desire to know the path of life, then you must value the presence of God more than anything in the universe. There is such a thing as overwhelming sense of joy associated with His active presence. But first of all, what do I mean by "His presence"? Considering the truth that God's presence is everywhere (Psalm 139:7), which is sometimes called "God's omnipresence", our topic doesn't refer to His presence being everywhere. Also as born again Christians, we have His indwelling presence, and His presence is always with us. But in today's topic, I'm being specific about the time we spend with Him in fellowship, be it in prayer, in Bible study or through alone time of reflection or meditation on His goodness.

Reference: Psalm 16:11 English Standard Version (ESV) 'You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.'

This Scripture addresses the benefit of our life commitment to God and His presence. The path of life is unveiled in God's presence and it satisfies the joyful cravings of our heart, as we take His presence seriously. In another way, its only God that can make known to us the path which life is found, show us His perfect will for our lives through divine guidance, and also enable us to walk in it.

There is something inexhaustible about God's presence that draws the human soul to Him. Are you aware that our soul always expresses itself in the presence of God? By this, I mean the idea of the soul opening up in our place of meeting with God and with a sense of fervency. In God's presence, your soul makes tangible contact with the Godhead. In His presence, the soul emerges as a distinct entity and becomes enthralled or captured by His splendour. Our soul can exchange deep wordings with God. For instance, let's consider below, what David's soul said to the Lord in His presence.

Psalm 16:2-3 (NKJV) reads, 'My soul, you have said to the Lord, "You are my Lord, My goodness is nothing apart from You." As for the saints who are on the earth, "They are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight."'

In God's presence, your soul speaks to the Lord and He can respond back. What is David's soul declaring? You are my Lord (His Lordship)! His soul continues, 'My goodness is nothing apart from you.' In other words, you and I are good for nothing minus His presence. The soul continues, 'As for the saints who are on the earth, "They are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight."' Remember God calls us His excellent ones, in whom He is well pleased (Psalm 149:4). This is how God thinks about you and me. He has the right view, opinion and wonderful perspective of you.

This is why we must be in sync with His presence on a daily basis, so we can have the fullness of joy. You can't attract the fullness of joy anywhere else apart from His presence. Many a time, when we start out with worship, His larger-than-life persona mysteriously charges us, until we get enraptured by His glory. That's what makes our joy so full, that we want to capture every momentary aura of His majesty. However, this is a glimpse of what it seems like, to activate the presence of God. And because its much than this, the Psalmist added, 'at His right hand are pleasures forevermore.'

"At His right hand are pleasures forevermore", implies that we are not just renewed with joy in His presence, we also increase in heritage, be it in His knowledge, favour and blessings. He doesn't just grant us the joy of His presence, He releases to us, the pleasures that enable and condition us to live a fulfilled life.

Scripture Reading - Psalm 31:20; Isaiah 57:15; Psalm 91:1; Acts 17:28.

Guided Prayer: Dear Father in heaven, thank you for your presence which has taken up residence in me. I'm forever grateful for revealing your active presence to me and making it manifest in my life and atmosphere whenever I fellowship with you. Spending time with you always upgrades my confidence in life. In your presence, your glory enraptures me, thereby creating a feeling of wonder, charisma, and delight that fill me with heavenly bliss. I can never fathom the experience but I'm blessed by it, thereby walking in your favour, and enjoying the moments of transcendence in Christ. Therefore, I will continually meditate on your truths, and invest more time in your presence, in Jesus' Name, Amen!


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