In this final article based on this topic, I have taken into account, Moses' speechification on a functional level by acknowledging this truth:
In normal or natural communication situations, he wasn't a domineering leader or boss who was yelling at the Israelites in an arrogant manner or using command-and-control approach to assert his own belief and will over theirs, but rather, his speechification was based on a participative lifestyle of instructive faith proclamations in accordance with God's law and possibilities in their time or era.
So do not entertain any misconceived notion that is not justifiable within the scope or ambit of Moses' teaching approach. More below!
Reference: Deuteronomy 32:1-3 New International Version (NIV)
"Listen, you heavens, and I will speak; hear, you earth, the words of my mouth. Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants. I will proclaim the name of the LORD. Oh, praise the greatness of our God!"
The last segment in the above versified reference to be expounded by my humble self is:
"I will proclaim the name of the LORD. Oh, praise the greatness of our God!"
What is it about the statement? Is it a testimony, eulogy, paean, commendation, encomium or plaudit?
It is the pattern and nature of message Moses declared and generated, which is glorification of a "Name" and "Greatness" too vast for mankind to humanly handle or reckon with. So his face and focus were sharpened to acknowledge the knowledge of the Greatness of the Almighty (Supreme Deity) he usually met on mount Sinai.
The Bible stated in Exodus 34:29-35
"When Moses went back down Mount Sinai, he carried the two stone tablets in his hands as a witness to their agreement. But he did not realize that the skin on his face was glowing and radiant because he had been speaking with God. When Aaron and the Israelites saw that Moses' face was shining, they were afraid to get too close to him. But when Moses summoned them, Aaron and all the leaders of the community were reassured and approached him. Moses talked to them. After this, all the rest of the people of Israel approached Moses, and he instructed them to do everything that the Eternal had told him on Mount Sinai. When Moses finished sharing the words of God with them, he covered his face with a veil. From this time on whenever Moses went into the meeting tent to talk with the Eternal, he took off the veil until he left to share with the Israelites the Eternal’s instructions. As Moses was speaking, the Israelites could see that the skin on his face was all aglow. Then Moses would put the veil back over his face until the next time he went to speak with God" (The Voice).
Moses' speech and demonstrations aligned with the unique purpose for which God chose him to fulfil, and right at the heart of his teaching strategy - was the revelation of God's standard of holy nature and character. His teaching also provided the nation of Israel, which is known as God's set apart people, with Mosaic law and a way of worship through yearly feast and other ceremonial observations.
For the community of Israeli descent whose faith was in the Lord, his godly teachings and instructions conveyed God's direction for their spiritual and physical well-being, as well as provided forgiveness through sin offering with animal sacrifices; grain offerings, fellowship offering, guilt offering, and burnt offerings, with specified acceptable items used to make atonement on their behalves.Â
Although Mosaic law made nothing perfect, we now have confidence in a better hope (a living hope which is grounded in eternal salvation) through our union with the Lord Jesus, who fulfilled all the commandments and promises of God for us, and has become the guarantee of a "better covenant" with a permanent priesthood that positions us to obtain and depend on God's grace and mercy.
If you haven't made a life-changing decision to accept Jesus as your Saviour and Lord, make haste to receive Him through the words of your mouth and by faith in Him. How? Humbly declare the guided prayer below, and you'll receive your salvation in Christ and God's very righteousness today. God bless you. Shalom!
I acknowledge today that God demonstrated His unconditional love for me in this: While living without Christ, He sent Him ahead of time to die for me. Therefore I repent and renounce the nature of sin and I accept Jesus as my Saviour. I believe and confess with all my heart that Jesus is the Son of the true living God, who died for me and was raised from the dead on the third day by God. I affirm that Jesus is risen and He's alive forever. I accept Him into my heart and I declare His Lordship over my life forever. I'm now born again as a new creation. I have eternal life: my present-moment reality. Thank you Lord Jesus for saving me and taking full charge of my life, as my Lord. GLORY TO GOD!