There is such a thing as the right attitude while seizing the divine promises of blessing to make it yours, especially of the benefits of salvation. It's one thing to know that the promises of God are "Yes and Amen" in Christ, its another thing to possess the blessings of the (fulfilled) promise. For them to be experienced by you or become your reality, there is an attitude.

Reference: Romans 12:12 New International Version (NIV) "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."
The right investment in hoping and expecting from the Lord is joy. The right spiritual investment in affliction is patience. The right attitude toward your prayer life while waiting is to be faithful in it. These are the three important attitudes required in balanced appropriation of God's promises in our lives.
The Bible says, "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God" (2 Corinthians 1:20 NIV). This means that all the blessings and fulfilment of the promises God has made are a certainty in Christ. It also means that the promise of our inheritance can only be obtained in Christ. Therefore to be beneficiaries, inheritors and recipients of the promised inheritance, we must agree with Christ with our spirit, our voice (yes and Amen), our actions and our attitude.
There are many Christians who are taught that God's promises have been fulfilled in their lives, meaning that all Christians automatically have it as their reality regardless of whether or not they consciously put their faith in Christ to work it out. There are other Christians believing in church that they are walking in fulfilled promise simply because they are the seed of Abraham. Neither of these positions is correct. Although they are already fulfilled promises in Christ, the blessings come to us only through exercised faith, and they're only meant for those who are willing to work it out.
To work it out, first, do not conform to the pattern of this world, instead be transformed by the renewing of your mind. In other words, we must have our minds renewed, to look at the blessings of the promise through God's eyes, and to understand more about what He wants for us, and less of focusing on what we want. That's the reason Romans 12:2 tells us that when we are transformed by the renewing of our mind, then we will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will (NIV).
So walking in the reality of God's promises requires our transformation by mind renewal and it involves yielding our mind, will, and emotions to the government of the Word and Spirit of God as we meditate on it and fellowship with Him. Then as you do this, be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. If you notice the order of significance, hope comes first, then patience and the next, prayer. The order is significant because, having hope to receive from God means that the promises of God are first attracted by desiring and expecting to see them appropriated in our lives. So with joy, we meditate and act on the dictates, in order to walk in their reality. The Second is affliction.
Affliction here could mean discomfort, heartache, trouble and challenging situations. Have you noticed that many a time, trials and uneasiness come shortly after you've done the will of God, thereby expecting to receive from Him? If so, it's a sign that the blessings are already yours but you're being tried and tested, which signifies the beauty of your preparation and readiness to see the absolute fulfilment in your own life. So be patient and stand the test. No wonder Ephesians 6:13 reads, "For this reason, take-up the full-armor of God in order that you may be able to resist on the evil day, and having worked everything, to stand" (DLNT).
The next action requires us to pray and be faithful in prayer. In part 2 of this topic, we are going to go deeper in knowledge in regard to these three attitudes. Shalom!
Scripture Reading - Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:2; Ephesians 1:3; Titus 1:3.
Guided Prayer: Thank you Lord for Biblical blessings of the promise available in Christ. Among the manifold benefits are financial abundance, protection, good success and prosperity, sound mind, health and joy. By the Spirit of God, I'm guided aright with the right attitude, to possess and appropriate them in my life and to enjoy their realities for the rest of my life in Jesus' Name, Amen!
