In our faith walk, there is always a need to be reminded of the truth. Peter explains why he writes about things the believers have heard or known before - the basics of Christian living. The reason for the reminder is for them, already established in the belief of the truth, to remain unshaken by the contrary wind of life. Though Peter knows them to be firm in the truth, he still considered it his duty to remind them of what they know.

Reference: 2 Peter 1:13 New International Version (NIV) 'I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body.'
In a verse before (verse 12), Peter said he would not be negligent to remind them always of the things of the Spirit, though they knew them and were firmly established in the truth. Even though they were already functioning in the truth about their eternal destiny, Peter still expressed the urgency in his heart to remind them often. To him, it was worth it going over the ideas again and again.
Champions in any area of life will always practise the same fundamentals over and over again. Even though they know the techniques and have mastered them, as a sign of discipline, they still go back to the basics to refresh their memories, because they want to retain and maintain victory. Same way, to continue to function in truth as Christians, we should never get tired of hearing the basics of the Christian life. We should always rejoice and be receptive every time we hear about the gospel and God's plan for our lives, no matter what we already know.
Nothing gives us so much composure and confidence in our faith walk, to know that we are faithfully serving God and are still grounded in the truth, fearing Him and seeking His glory. Therefore, though we are established in the truth, it is still very necessary to be strengthened by being reminded of the basics of our faith. It enables us to stay focused on what is important and to easily detect when we are deviating from the truth.
When we are often reminded of the truth, it helps us to be determined to do God's will at all times. Isaiah 50:17 (NLT) reads, 'I have set my face like a stone, determined to do His will.' That means, to continue to have and enjoy a successful Christian life, you must stay focused on spiritual realities and pursue your purpose in God without wavering or hesitating.
Today's Golden news: Be teachable always, regularly review your Christian walk, keep your eyes on the finished line and keep yourself from distractions.
Scripture Reading - 2 Timothy 1:5-6; 2 Peter 3:1; 1 Timothy 4:6,16 ; 1 Corinthians 4:17; 2 Timothy 3:14.
Guided Prayer: Thank you Father for the opportunity to be reminded of the grounds of my faith regularly, in order to walk worthy of my new life in Christ. I'm awakened, energised and strengthened by your Word to remain rooted and grounded in the truth, amid cares, activities, negativities, and corrupting influences of this world. Your admonition is invaluable to me as I remain teachable, upholding everything in my life by the Word of your grace and power. I walk in the truth and my victory in Christ is assured from time to time in Jesus' Name, Amen!
