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In life, you'll encounter people with corrupt hearts and sealed conscience which have so much grounded in them, and if you're ignorant to fall into their trap, it can be a dangerous experience, as well as difficult to know how to handle what they throw at you with the sparks of their passion to harm or to do evil. For instance, the Bible talks about wicked and unreasonable men, whose hearts are full of evil schemes because their consciences are dead, having been seared with a hot iron. Even in recent times, there are some Christians who have abandoned the right and godly practices to follow deceitful spirits and wrong teachings, and as a result of illusion in their minds, they have lost all the senses of good deeds and thoughts. How do you deal with such people when you encounter their wrong deeds towards you?

Reference: 1 Peter 3:9 New Living Translation (NLT) "Don't repay evil for evil. Don't retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and he will grant you his blessing."

Unfortunately, it is not every Christian that gets to this level because many have made up their mind that this verse is a hard truth to live by, let alone accessing the blessing that comes with inactive response to evil and insults from others. Remember it says, "when people insult you" not any specific people. However Proverbs 20:22 reads, 'Do not say, "I'll pay you back for this wrong!" Wait for the LORD, and he will avenge you' (NIV). In other words, overcome and withstand the evil done to you; let go of it by engaging more grace through yielding to the inner workings of the Holy Spirit because a gracious soul will never be put to shame or cast down. No matter the weight of the unjustness, always wait on the Lord to handle the matter, and His good judgement will serve the turn of evil men, as you free your heart from revenge. By so doing, you'll enjoy the favour of the Lord, and you'll know that you have His approval.

Beloved, if you've never heard this teaching before, desire no more to act in retaliation. Grow beyond such level and be satisfied with God's loving-kindness. Is it convenient or comfortable to let go of evil done to you? No, not at all, but when you choose to condition your mind to do so, God puts sufficient grace in your heart to overcome evil with good because it cannot happen in the realm of the flesh. Why does God strengthen or empower you with grace to overcome? Its because you are doing His Word. Yes, it takes a higher perspective to let go of evil done to you and be comforted by the Holy Spirit at such times or moments. But its the best time to commit all your life's affairs to God, and be prepared to welcome this divine principle [referenced Scripture] as His perfect will for you.

To walk on this level, here's what to do: Firstly, speak in tongues often, especially when the wrong thoughts about the person tries to fill your mind, so you can dismiss them with ease. Secondly, always be determined to express delightful sayings and to utter accurate words of kindness regarding the person who has offended you. Thirdly, don't always mention the offense, rather listen for the right way to maintain good thoughts about the person because the Holy Spirit will convey such thoughts to you, as long as you've made up your mind to overcome evil with good. Also train yourself to always speak right and noble things about people, such that the opening of your lips will reveal the right influence. When genuine thoughts are doubtlessly entertained and preserved in the chambers of your mind, you'll let go of that bad memory.

Therefore, make up your mind that revenge is not an option in all your decision-making because your salvation or vindication is in God alone, who can control the hearts and actions of those who despised and reviled you. If you remain faithful and refuse to resort to revenge, sooner or later, your perpetrator(s) will surely stand in awe of God's righteous judgment on your behalf, because they've sinned against their only remedy - God. Therefore, record and desire only good for them in your heart and seek to triple the counsel and knowledge of God's will concerning such situation - upon the tablet of your heart.

In summary, Romans 12:19-21 (KJV) reads, "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." Shalom!

Scripture Reading - Genesis 50:15-21; Deuteronomy 32:35; Proverbs 24:29; Matthew 5:39; 1 Thessalonians 5:15.

Guided Prayer: Thank you Lord for instructing me in righteousness by proving your divinity at work through the wisdom of overcoming evil with good. I rest my confidence in the answer which heaven offers me in any time of unfairness and unreasonable treatment, thereby striving passionately to do what is good for those who intend harm and for everyone else, in Jesus' Name, Amen!


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