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The benefits of wisdom come with the sense of a rewarding life, plus the assurance of long life, defence and manifold provision. But one must invest a personal interest in it in order to experience the blessings that accompany it.

Reference: Proverbs 3:13-14 The Voice (VOICE) "How fortunate are those who discover Lady Wisdom and those who understand her ways! For her worth is greater than the most expensive prize you could win. Her profit is greater than the finest thing you could buy."

In this article, I have outlined the rest of the wisdom benefits according to the Proverbs chapter 3, verses 19-23 (VOICE). They are as follows:

1. It was by wisdom that the Eternal fashioned the earth and by understanding that He designed the heavens:

It is by wisdom that the Lord established the foundation of the earth, installed the dominion that governs the atmosphere of the heavens and also, apportioned their influence on the seasons of the earth.

2. Through His knowledge, the deep was divided into seas and sky:

Now watch this: When it gets to this particular verse, it reveals that God enforced the division of the deep with His knowledge. Why through His knowledge and not simply wisdom? The watery depths require actual calculations, which involve mathematical expression. So this knowledge focuses on the measurement of the detailed separation, after dividing them. Having divided the deep fountains, marked by exactness and accuracy of His perception, we now have the mass of sky as the outcome, and a definite shape of the seas, as another outcome, and they are both error-free. So this division came from God's own sense of "inch-perfect" knowledge.

3. And the clouds understood when to let down the morning dew:

Through the same knowledgeable insight, the cloud's performance rate was installed. This includes the analysis of the pattern for dropping the morning dew. Without this knowledge, the cloud would have zero information on how to signal the dew to drop on the earth's surface, and also on how to regulate its dripping target and strategy.

4. My son, never lose sight of God's wisdom and knowledge: make decisions out of true wisdom, guard your good sense:

This verse generally informs us to remain focused on God's wisdom and knowledge, and refuse to lose sight of them, because both are of important significance. We can make accurate decisions out of true wisdom, and with profound insight into divine knowledge, we can accomplish the needful. Simply put, embrace God's wisdom and knowledge and hold onto them securely, because they promote clear and analytical thinking, as well as common sense.

5. And they will be life to your soul and fine jewelry around your neck:

Simply put, they'll keep your soul alive and well. They'll also keep you fit and attractive, just like jewelry or neckless does to humans.

6. Then each one of your steps will land securely on your life's journey, and you will not trip or fall:

You'll travel safely, because it will secure your ways, and also, you'll never give up or miss your steps. In another way, your steps will not trip or stumble. Hallelujah!

Beloved, How fortunate are those who discover Lady Wisdom and understand her ways! For her worth is greater than the most expensive prize you could ever win. Her profit is greater than the finest thing you could buy. As you discover her, ensure that you love and embrace and cherish her, just as Christ does the church (see Ephesians 5:28-29 NLT). This is because it is foolishness to let go of wisdom.

By imitating Christ's attitude toward the church, you can love and embrace the wisdom of God, because it will not just exalt you, it will also reward you as you live accordingly or wisely. For instance, it offers a happy long life, a good reputation, helpful guidance when you need it most, divine health, good success and more, which are just few of the benefits of what Christ has been made for the church (see 1 Corinthians 1:30 NIV). Shalom!

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 1:7; Psalm 37:30; Romans 11:33; Proverbs 19:8; James 3:13-18.

Exuberant Declaration: The wisdom of God is a soul-nourishing and life-giving enlightenment, with rewarding and prosperous experiences, which transmit by my faith in Christ. It finds expression in my life through my strong desire for it, and lasting interest in it, as I constantly fellowship with the Godhead. Hallelujah!




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