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In every aspect of life, people have a race to run and a prize to obtain. Be it at your work place, within your business activities or even in your family life, there is always a target that you aim to reach, which can be considered as your race. Many a time, people come together to compete with another to see who is the best or fastest at covering a set course or achieving an objective, which is also a race. However the most important race is the Christian race because the outcome of its relevance continues well into eternity. By this, I mean that winning the prize involved in the race of Christian faith is something that will happen beyond the time and earthly realm, and so there is always a continuous need for self-discipline in order to accomplish its goal or target in this present world.

Reference: 1 Corinthians 9:24 New International Version (NIV) "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize."

According to online dictionary, a race is a competition between runners, horses, vehicles, etc. to see which is the fastest in covering a set course. In macmillan dictionary, it's a competition that decides who is the fastest at doing something, especially running. Today, part of Paul's aim is that he wants us to become accustomed to winning and stay dedicated to its stability. So He says, "In a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize; Run in such a way as to get the prize", which I paraphrase as, "Ensure you always win." Now take note of this truth: Just as heavenly race has to do with personal relationship with God and how each one of us runs and perseveres to make it to heaven to obtain various crowns, same way, we are all involved in one race or the other in this present world in order to achieve various goals, aims and targets.

Beloved, here is the truth: There isn't any problem that cannot be solved with the intelligence and tenacity of a winning mentality. Even God expects His children to always win and remain winners. This is why He leads us into all manner of situations and environment, in order to be tried and tested, and as we rely on Him, He keeps us in domineering stability of victory. While addressing the community of saints he founded at Corinth, Greece, Paul mentioned in 2nd Corinthians 2:14 saying, "Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place" (NKJV). Notice that this triumph is Christ's triumphal procession, meaning that the victory is already certain. You are just being led to experience it in all facets or essence of your human encounters, as you comply with the Word.

To instantiate this as conclusive verity, Matthew 4:1(NIV) noted that Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. There, the enemy tempted Him but He [Christ] prevailed (study Matthew 4:1-11). This denotes that God can lead or allow you to face any circumstance, opposition or even place you in a trial for one important reason - in order to prove Christ's victory in your life. Therefore, in any given situation, God wants you to go all out and win because that's the only option in Christ Jesus.

So you must love and develop the triumphant mentality with high-energy response to the Word - usually expressed in form of biblical confessions. If your penchant for confessing God's Word is very low, then you are not going to see yourself actualising Christ's victory habitually because a Scripture says, "They triumphed over enemy by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony..." (Revelation 12:11 NIV). When you follow or consider the sequence, you'll realise that "the blood of the Lamb" came before the "word of their testimony", meaning that the writer acknowledged the victory of Christ on the cross, before mentioning the word of testimony, which is our response to what Christ has done on the cross. Therefore, you must always respond to any challenge or circumstance with victory-related confessions, in line with the Scriptures, which suggests your word of testimony.

Your attitude towards winning must not change. Having said that, how do you actually lead a life and cultivate a mentality that positions you to walk in absolute victory in every facet of life, beyond human understanding? Search the Scriptures, find out and locate everything God said concerning your victory in the Word and be prepared to face anything that comes your way with the decrees embedded in the Holy writ, so as to overcome any obstacle on your pathway. That way, you fulfil your part as described in such Scriptures, thereby establishing the victory of Christ in your life and world. Stay tuned for part 2. Shalom!

Scripture Reading - John 16:33; Romans 8:37; 1 John 4:4; 1 John 5:4-5.

Exuberant Declaration: I am a perpetual victor in this life because I'm fortified by my indivisible union with Christ. Daily, I behold Christ in the glass of His Word and as the reflection from a mirror causes the face to shine, so does the victory of Christ shine forth and manifest its superiority in my life's encounters, come what may. Hallelujah!




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