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In life, many people have trust issues and the signs are characterized by fears, unworthiness, doubts and manipulation. Many people engage in trust issues because they have probably had traumatic experiences and betrayals in the past, and so they're not always willing to trust anyone. Such people tend to be overly protective of their boundaries, extremely cautious while dealing with others and also suspicious of everyone they meet. Simply put, their thoughts race with suspicion toward everyone and even friends they come in contact with. Why? It's because their past experiences in matters pertaining their relationships resulted in trust issues. Most times this also affects their personal relationship with God because walking with God is all about relationship.

Reference: Isaiah 26:3-4 New Living Translation (NLT) "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you. Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD God is the eternal Rock."

This is what God has to offer those in intimate relationship with Him based on their trust - perfect peace. In other words, God responds to anyone's genuine trust in Him with perfect peace. Like every other human, God does not let people down. We can confidently rely on Him. Trust is an essential rule to apply while walking with God. It is the foundational principle that holds our relationship with God. Definitely, people like to spend their trust on those who are reliable, faithful and predictable. God meets all of these criteria and beyond. He is reliable, trustworthy, faithful and most importantly, He has an unquestionable integrity.

Maybe you have experienced mistrust in one way or the other, and it has had a negative impact on your associations and dealings with others. But today I encourage you never to have trust issues with God. Our referenced Scripture says, "Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD God is the eternal Rock." When you trust in the Lord, you'll always be covered with His peace blanket. In other words, His peace will overwhelmingly flood the circumference of your heart.

But how does this work? You must fasten the eyes of your heart upon Him. Colossians 3:1-2 (NIV) says, "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." When your heart is set on things above, it equally means that your thoughts are fixed on God. And the onus lies on God to keep all who trust in Him in perfect peace; yes, all whose thoughts are fixed on Him.

In Christ, we must renew our mind with the things of the Spirit until it is consumed with God's will and His Kingdom realities. When your mind is consumed with heavenly things, you will have and enjoy perfect peace instead of anxiety and worry. A God-centred mindset is very important in life. Anybody can pray and believe God for the things they desire, but that doesn't mean their thoughts are fixed on God. Most times their prayer is only a means to receiving their desires. However, a born-again Christian whose mind, thoughts and desires are fixed on God will always have the peace of God as their badge of honour.

When your mind is stayed on God, you are more likely to engage in a truly fulfilling relationship with others because the peace of God which passes all understanding is evident in your life. "But, how are we supposed to build our trust in God?", Someone may ask! Communicate frequently with God through the Word, and maintain your fellowship with the Holy Spirit through prayer, speaking in tongues, and acting on His instructions. Poor communication is one of the main reasons our trust in God diminishes.

Our daily interaction with God is what builds our trust in Him but the neglect of it can result in trust issues. Just like it's important to spend quality time with those you care about, those who mean well for you, and those who mean all to you, so it is with God. Even in difficult or challenges times, its not just about His peace overtaking you, God is a support network to people who can trust Him with all their hearts. This is why He is called the "eternal Rock" (Isaiah 26:4).

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 3:5-6; Jeremiah 17:7-8; Isaiah 32:17; Romans 5:1; Philippians 4:6-7; Romans 14:17; Colossians 3:17.

Guided Prayer: Heavenly Father, you are the eternal Rock of my salvation and the source of my overflowing confidence. The effect of your righteousness in my life is perfect peace, and its result is quietness and trust forever, surpassing every negative force, thought or opinion. All your ways are just and right, and my thoughts are formed and filtered in the womb of your peace, because your Word is the meditation of my heart. The abiding presence of the Holy Spirit influences my inward experience and produces in me, the mind of Christ for a victorious Christian life, in Jesus' Name, Amen!


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