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The demonstration of the persistence of the divine life on earth is fully possible when we grasp the touch of expressing the realities of our origin in Christ. Therefore, today, we are looking at one of the most important heavenly hosts we get to meet in Zion (the angelic beings). Let's find out more!

Reference: Hebrews 12:22-24 Amplified (AMP) "But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels [in festive gathering], and to the general assembly and assembly of the firstborn who are registered [as citizens] in heaven, and to God, who is Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous (the redeemed in heaven) who have been made perfect [bringing them to their final glory], and to Jesus, the Mediator of a new covenant [uniting God and man], and to the sprinkled blood, which speaks [of mercy], a better and nobler and more gracious message than the blood of Abel [which cried out for vengeance]."

Someone might be wondering, "When exactly did I come to myriads of angels?" When you accepted an altar call and declared a prayer of salvation! The Bible says, "Are not all the angels ministering spirits sent out [by God] to serve (accompany, protect) those who will inherit salvation? [Of course they are!]" (Hebrews 1:14 AMP). Prayer of salvation is one of the earliest prayers you said when you were introduced to the knowledge of Christ that produced in you, a genuine, repentant heart, and guess what's important - unseen angels were there to attend to you immediately. More so, there are myriads of angels in the presence of God rejoicing in heaven simultaneously. Luke 15:10 (NASB) says, "In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." In other words, such saving encounter with Christ calls for a big celebration in heaven.

To repent means to change one's inner self for the better; to heartily amend with abhorrence of one's past sins, after regretting them, as a result of hearing the transforming knowledge of Christ. Prayer of salvation activates the remission of sin, and then the "newly saved" now becomes a citizen of Zion, the city of the living God, and begins to live his life in a way that proves repentance, thereby seeking God's purpose for his life because the righteousness of Christ has been implanted in him.

Now that we have come to myriads of angels [in festive gathering], what is the significance in our Christian life? Firstly, it means that we have established an immediate connection with angelic beings. Secondly, the phrase, "in festive gathering" is noteworthy. Festive gathering pertains to a feast, and a mood to lively and joyously celebrate. The angels are always in a festive mood, characterised by permanent climax, meaning that heaven is quite interesting. Therefore, if it was very important for the author of Hebrews to note that we have come to myriads of angels in joyful assembly, its equally important to understand that the real Christian life is not a boring experience or engagement. We are called to experience joyful actuality in Christ. In other words, there is joyous procession of spirituality and sanctity worth experiencing in Christ Jesus, and it only comes from possessing this fountain of salvation.

As the Lord Jesus and His Word become sovereign in our lives, our angelic activities and assistance will increase. This is the reason there must be a life-long desire to feed on the efficacious truths of God's Word and put it into practice. That way, we are kept under their assisting influence more and more. Moreover, if you are yet to receive Christ as Saviour and Lord, kindly and swiftly do so by declaring the prayer of salvation below and you'll become part of Zionic activities outright. Stay tuned for part 3. Shalom!

Scripture Reading - Psalm 91:6; Psalm 125:1-2; Joel 3:16; Isaiah 62:11-12; 1 Peter 2:6.

Guided Prayer: I acknowledge today that God demonstrated His unconditional love for me in this: While living without Christ, He sent Him ahead of time to die for me. Therefore I renounce the nature of sin and I accept Jesus as my Saviour. I believe and confess with all my heart that Jesus is the Son of the true living God, who died for me and was raised from the dead on the third day by God. I affirm that Jesus is risen and He's alive forever. I accept Him into my heart and I declare His Lordship over my life forever. I'm now born again as a new creation and a Zionite. I have eternal life: my present-moment reality. Thank you Lord Jesus for saving me and taking full charge of my life, as my Lord. GLORY TO GOD!


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