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How you see yourself is basically the mindset you function with and the confidence you demonstrate in your own worth or abilities. In psychology, it is the term, 'self-esteem' and it is used to describe a person's overall sense of self-worth or personal value. It's how you appreciate and evaluate yourself and a view of the standard you set for yourself, your ethics, and your desirable features. Personally, as a Christian, I define self-esteem as being mindful and confident of who God says I am, and also, walking in light of it.

Reference: Psalm 139:13-14 Amplified Bible (AMP)

'For You formed my innermost parts; You knit me [together] in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.'

As a child of God, where does your self-esteem come from? What impact does it have on your life and how does it influence others in your world? People often assume that its a deep-rooted personality trait, which suggests that it can be stable and enduring. However from the standpoint of God's Word, it is not dependent on your own abilities because they can be unreliable. Instead it's dependent on how you anchor your worth on the realities of the Kingdom of God (Acts 20:32 NIV), which in turn, equips you for the good works He has set out for you to do.

Everything that happens in your life is hugely as a result of what you believe about yourself. So our self esteem or image must be sourced from the Word and rooted in it, in order to transmit its persistent influence in our sphere of influence. Just like you can't withdraw beyond the amount you deposited in your bank accounts or beyond your borrowing limits, you can't draw out of yourself, or to yourself, more than you're worth. Therefore, you must work on your self-image by building up your mindset from the perspective of God's Word.

One of the factors that determine the way we see ourselves is the kind of relationships we establish. Some people harbour a low sense of self-worth due to the calibre of friends they mingle with. They deem themselves less important than everyone else and allow others to determine who they are. They have consciously or unconsciously trained themselves to become dependent on other people's approval, which means, they have identity crisis, and sometimes, they wish to be another person.

In Christ Jesus, you must learn to believe your identity as His child and live accordingly. First of all, you are the apple of God's eyes, for this is what the LORD Almighty says: 'whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye' (Zechariah 2:8). You are God's most precious possession, His chosen breed, His royal priest, called to display His virtues of perfection and excellence, and to declare His praise. In Christ, you are purposeful, undefeatable, unstoppable, unbeatable, unconquerable and indomitable.

You a new class of being; your asociation and fellowship happen with divinity. You belong to the company of the Godhead, which is the superior race of superbeings in Christ. You're from the lineage of champions and victors because your forefathers- Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - are the patriarchs of faith, hope and generational prosperity.

Scripture Reading - Jeremiah 17:7; 1 Peter 2:9; Hebrews 10:35; Romans 8:29-30; 1 John 1:17.

Exuberant Declaration: I walk in line with the essential truths of my identity through which God has worked out His plan for my life. I affirm that I'm a peculiar treasure unto God, born anew with the supernatural life of eternal glory, excellence and power in my spirit! In my words and actions today, I speak hidden wisdom, perform wonderful deeds, and display the virtues and perfections of my heavenly Father, who has called me unto glory, honour and excellence. Hallelujah!




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