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13 MAY 2021

To copy or do what is good is a good Christian principle. It is an attitude that subdues evil by doing good to others. It signalizes a lovely spirit and its a prevailing character in practising the Christian faith, and also, the typical quality of the recreated human spirit.

Reference: 3 John 11 New International Version (NIV) "Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God."

John emphasizes the need for or importance of copying what is good, not what is evil. We live in an evil and wicked world, and for this reason, a Christian should be mindful of giving special importance or value to being and doing good. More so, the Bible says, "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:21). Therefore, we can always overcome evil with good and disarm the enemy, by doing so.

Imitating what is good gives us courage, makes us sagacious, and empowers us to overcome evil in our world. This means that our duty as Christians to imitate what is good and embrace every godly character must not be ignored. For instance, practicing self-control is a good and godly character. Edifying others and yielding to godly advice are goodly and godly. Turning away from worldly activities that promote evil influence and desires is priceless. In short, there is no limit to the extent we can imitate what is good. It is a remarkable way of defeating every ill design in our world and the enemy's schemes against us, as God enables us by His Spirit.

Imitating what is good is a function of godly wisdom. It gives us a sense of contentment and peace, especially in managing the affairs of life. The desire to copy and emulate what is good often rises as a result of the fear of God in us. The Bible says, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding" (Psalm 111:10 ESV). Those who practise the fear of God nurture the desire to do good. They are not easily moved by any circumstance or fazed by challenges, in regard to executing good deeds. They are quick to allow divine wisdom to guide them in every situation.

Imitating good Christians also boosts and strengthens our Christian faith and salvation. You can attract and recognise wise people in your life by minding your associations. There are Christians who love to practise righteousness and such people can win our high esteem. They have a good understanding of what it means to shun evil and prevail in good deeds, amidst any opposition, and thus demonstrate the power of the gospel, because they have good moral insight. When we meet such Christians, we are blessed to befriend them and emulate their character.

In 1 Corinthians 11:1(NKJV), Paul urges the Corinthian Christians saying, "Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ." Apostle Paul maintained the value of an amiable, worthy Christian deportment, which he gained from copying after the perfect pattern of our Lord Jesus. Though we are to make Christ our direct perfect example, we can also aim to emulate and associate with Christians who display worthy Christ-like character. Shalom!

Scripture Reading - Psalm 32:8; Matthew 12:35; Luke 6:45; 1 Peter 3:9.

Exuberant Declaration: I have the nature of Christ and I bear good fruit from the treasury of my good heart. My conscience is free from copying evil, and my mind is set on good, noble, right, pure and lovely thoughts that lead to good works - governed by the Holy Spirit. I attract good people and everything that is excellent, admirable and praiseworthy and by the Spirit of God, I experience life and peace in every way. My desires are not hostile to God; I easily submit to God's will, both in my thought pattern and actions. Hallelujah!




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