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We have been made acceptable to God by His grace and salvation through the glorious gospel of Christ, and the acceptance is for all race, ranks and conditions of men. But is there a sharp distinction between those that fear the Lord and those that do what is right, even though both are acceptable to God?

If there is a slight difference in both conditions or significances, it is typically within certain realms of manifestation. Moreover, we shall get to the focal token of the particular difference before we come to the end of this topic.

Reference: Acts 10:34-35 New Living Translation (NLT)

'So Peter opened his mouth and said: "Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to Him."'

I'm expounding this topic today in sight of the unique and blessed characteristic of divine networking which is powerfully exerted by God Himself, and of all its practical guidance and excellent display, which implies that His sovereign majesty stands alone as the mightiest revelatory manifestation in heaven and earth. What do I mean by this long statement? God's divine networking is strategically all-important and impeccable, and I'll explain further below:

Just after the messenger who visited Cornelius in his vision departed, Cornelius immediately called two of his slaves and a soldier under his command—an especially devout soldier, and told them the whole story. Without wasting time, he sent them to Joppa the next day, which denoted Cornelius' swift intelligence in terms of giving immediate attention and timely response to message the messenger of God delivered to him (see Acts 10:3-8 NIV). Now watch this: Just as these men were nearing Joppa about noon the next day, Peter went up on the flat rooftop of Simon the tanner's house, and planned to pray.

What happened to Peter's decision to pray about the sixth hour which is noon? The Bible tacitly stated that he didn't pray. All of a sudden he became hungry and wanted something to eat. While the meal was being prepared he fell into a trance; and he saw the sky opened up, and an object like a great sheet descending, lowered by its four corners to the earth (see Acts 10:10-16 NIV).

Question? Who orchestrated his "frivolous" behaviour in the place of prayer? God Himself! Why? He had strategically planned and coordinated the chronology of all the happening situations to suit or align with Cornelius' message in the vision, in order to produce a desired effect in Cornelius' life in accordance with the purpose of His will, which was to accept the Gentiles in the household of Christian faith. Got it?

By divine strategic networking, God Himself conveyed an unusual revelation to Peter in a vision before the men from Cornelius arrived at Joppa to meet with Peter, meaning that there was a tactical exchange of vital revelatory information that created the conducive connection, mutually beneficial to Peter and Cornelius' servants. Got it? To that effect, the Bible says:

Now Peter was still perplexed and completely at a loss as to what his vision could mean when the men who had been sent by Cornelius, having asked directions to Simon’s house, arrived at the gate. And they called out to ask whether Simon, who was also called Peter, was staying there. While Peter was thoughtfully considering the vision, the Spirit said to him, "Now listen, three men are looking for you. Get up, go downstairs and go with them without hesitating or doubting, because I have sent them Myself." Peter went down to the men and said, "I am the one you are looking for. For what reason have you come?" (Acts 10:17-21 AMP).

Beloved, the voice of God in a man's heart is a directive emblem of divinity that serves as a spiritual illumination and proper guidance, and considering the story of Cornelius, and his servants' meeting with Peter, we can come to rightful conclusion that the voice is indeed, a viable strategic connector. Stay tuned for part 4. Shalom!

Scripture Reading - Psalm 85:7; Hebrews 3:15; Ezekiel 3:10-11; Hebrews 4:7.

Guided Prayer:

Heavenly and Gracious Father, I acknowledge that the voice of your Spirit is coated and laminated with divine love, and its activated and utilised by exercising my faith in the dictates. It is the light that illumines my path, the power that enables me to keep fulfilling your purpose, and the treasure that enriches my Christian faith. As I continually obey the specified requirements and surrender to your perfect will, I am supremely blessed and I remain favoured forever and ever, in Jesus' Name, Amen!




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