Man-made gods are highly unprofitable. I describe them as humiliating, empty, unproductive, ill-fated, useless, fruitless, futile, unfavourable, ill-natured, earthly, unspiritual, demonic, lifeless, uncongenial and uncultured, regardless of anyone's belief in their assumed efficacy. Did you get it? They are so because they are not right before God, and they are constructed according to the wisdom of this world, which means that those involved in idol practices are far from true faith in Christ and the wisdom of God. This is because in Christ, our trust, hope and uprightness are totally dependent on the Spirit and will of God. So we function by leaning on the strength of Christ alone, and by the assistance of His Spirit, accompanied by and engulfed with abundant grace. We can flow with the accurate perception of His ever-increasing glory, by complete dependence on His will, which means, without the help of man-made gods. And that is sound Christianity.

Reference: Acts 19:26 New International Version (NIV) "And you see and hear how this fellow Paul has convinced and led astray large numbers of people here in Ephesus and in practically the whole province of Asia. He says that gods made by human hands are no gods at all."
From the old testament to the new testament of the Bible, the law concerning the fear of God is ever the same, which is "You shall have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:3 NIV). It is a universal law in the sense that it works for you, no matter where you find yourself in this world. This is the very reason for why we must never despise being thorough students of the Word with pensive mood, bearing in mind that a neglected Bible and prayer life are a proof of a heart that is becoming far from God. Remember that the Psalmist said in Psalm 91:4 (CJB): "His truth is a shield and protection." For the reason of ignoring Biblical truths and its conscious practice, many people end up with practising idolatry. Of course, how can we experience the spark of God's divine presence and His manifestations in our lives, when the Bible, which is full of His revealed glory and inspiration is despised?
The God who has called us in Christ Jesus is the only true God and He is the God of all flesh. Isaiah 45:5 reads, "I am the LORD, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God (NIV)." Once you are born again, Christ comes to indwell you because the Lord God has chosen, justified, adopted, regenerated, and sanctified you in accordance with His finished work on the cross. Also, by the virtue of grace which is made known in your effectual calling, you now firmly believe in God, as a fully qualified saint. Now watch this: The Bible says, "And you have been made complete in Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority" (Colossians 2:10 BSB). Beloved, did you grasp that? The very moment your inner eyes pop open to this very truth, you'll understand that Christ is all you need. No need for any man-made gods or fetish and diabolical practices.
To be complete in Christ also means that He is more than enough for you, as long as you live in and for Him. And so, you must live with the fixed awareness or consciousness that you need no extra protection or fortification. You must consider Christ as being complete in you, and wield His knowledge as your wisdom for every situation in life, having been filled full in Him and having in Him all the grace you need, as well as His dominion and supreme authority. Hence, you are complete and wanting nothing. Interestingly, it is not you, but God Himself that called you into the glorious fellowship of His Son and consigned His authority to you. Therefore, in all you do, you must serve Him and depend on His faithfulness of character, which renders your provision, safety, prosperity, security and protection, certain in this present world.
The practice of idolatry is for the impure or weak minds and it denotes a people of depraved mindsets that can use any graven image as an object of worship. As God's own people, we must cultivate a heart that loves real wisdom by focusing on God and practising His Word alone. This is because, if the wisdom of God is regarded as the only system of rule in our hearts and Christian walk, then the purpose of true Christianity is actualized in our lives. Stay tuned for part 3. Shalom!
Scripture Reading - Daniel 5:1-12; Psalm 135:15-16; Habakkuk 2:19; Isaiah 44:9.
Guided Prayer: Blessed heavenly Father, your Word is a light to my feet and a lamp to my pathway. It is full of divine truths that convey your manifold wisdom. I keep them in the midst of my heart and practise them, such that I cannot worship demons and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk because you are the Only true God. Thank you Father because my entire trust, hope and faith are solidly grounded on the firm foundation, Christ Jesus, who has been made for me, true wisdom and power, in Jesus' Name, Amen!
