Hebrews 2:1 says, "So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it" (NLT). This is a sound warning against drifting away from the truth. It's crucial that we keep a firm grip on what we've heard so that we don't drift off, when tested by all kinds of circumstance. This is exactly what happened to the disciples of Jesus after His death. Having spent a lengthy period of time hearing directly from Jesus, what was expected of them was a rock-solid commitment to the Word, even in His absence. More below!

Reference: Mark 16:14 New International Version (NIV) "Later Jesus appeared to the Eleven as they were eating; he rebuked them for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him after he had risen."
When Jesus appeared to them, He rebuked them for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him after he had risen. Its important that we pay attention to Jesus' reaction to their concentrated level of stubbornness in the realm of unbelief. He rebuked because He knew He did a great job in raising them as His disciples! By the way, what does it mean "to rebuke"? To rebuke is to express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behaviour or actions. Yes, He rebuked the problem of failing to keep their faith stable because "lack of faith" produces negative responses and self-defeating behaviours. Lack of faith is an operating system that keeps your sense of divine reality very limited, when it comes to things of the Spirit. It is also a natural sense of being disconnected from the inner truth, confident assurance and heartfelt conviction of your faith walk with God, when in distress.
Imagine that the entire Eleven disciples were in stubborn opposition to the testimony others shared with them concerning Jesus' resurrection. Eleven of them, which means that unbelief is contagious. The unbelief could've started with one or two people among them, and as it generated a big imagery within themselves, it was projected and extended to the rest of them, and if possible, to others around them. They inspired themselves with such negative view until they reached their common goal in one accord (unbelief), because it is quite certain that everyone of them was involved. They were not just united in unbelief, they also prepared and shared meal together in that state. When I think of their number (Eleven), what comes to mind is football players in a team, who are full of doubt in regard to winning their upcoming matches against their opponents, even after their coach has trained them correctly, with the right and extensive training equipment over time.
Practically, the disciples were a squad of high degree association of doubters and disbelievers, in the context of the story. So it matters your association. We dislike their unbelief intensely; don't we? Yet, many a time, we participate in the "unwillingness" to believe God and act on His Word when necessary, even in a greater measure - as Christians. The only difference is that it's too late to publish our personal and collective stories of unbelief in the Bible. And so, when we read such passage in the Scriptures, we join hands to criticise them, yet we're refusing to see such unbelieving actions and responses in ourselves, when found in a disturbed or uneasy state, or even as we carry out our day-to-day activities of everyday life.
Admittedly, many Christians are largely unaware of their individual participation in doubt and unbelief towards the Word of God, especially when situations that require their faith responses arise. Why? This is because they've mastered the general disposition of living that way - since doubt and unbelief have become part of their normal existence or functional skills. What more can I say?
Not to worry - with the expository knowledge based on this topic, our intelligence will be empowered by the Spirit of God to create an underpinning and improved way of building our faith strong in any given situation. Stay tuned for more in part 4. Shalom!
Scripture Reading - Numbers 14:11; John 5:24; John 9:35-38; Hebrews 11:1.
Guided Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, I bless you today because you understand that I have no intention of treating your Word with a non-chalant attitude. Your Word is true, pure, perfect, powerful and eternal, and for these reasons, I build my faith strong with it on a daily basis. Therefore, I refuse to misperceive the realities or stumble through doubt and unbelief, when involved in any challenging situation. Thank you for enlarging my heart with your grace to stick to the Word, and to be willing to obey it and stand firm on it at all times, in Jesus' Name, Amen!
