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Praise be to God for the glory of His grace, wherein He made us accepted in the Beloved. The glory of God's grace is the same as the incomparable riches of His grace, which He has freely given us in the One He loves, namely, Christ. In Him (Christ), we cannot be misguided by God's grace. Through the riches of grace, we experience God's glory and wisdom, and access His plan and purpose.

Reference: Ephesians 1:7 King James Version (KJV) "In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace."

In Christ, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. Our redemption and forgiveness are part of the great gift of grace through salvation in Jesus Christ. Every spiritual blessing and glorious inheritance we have in Christ are based on the incomparable riches of His grace. In fact, the system of possession for every person who has come to Jesus to receive salvation is - by grace.

The incomparable riches of grace are worth more than gold and silver. By the riches of His grace, we became heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ because God designed "grace" as a free access to reach and encounter Him by faith. Although salvation came at a great cost, grace made it free for us. In another way, the death of Jesus Christ made the gift of grace possible.

Apart from the blessings and benefits of salvation we have in Christ, I want to introduce us to even fuller and more aware functions of God's grace. Grace is what changes the heart of sinners and brings them to true repentance, thereby granting them the ability to become God's own children. Romans 2:4 (NASB) reads, "do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and restraint and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?" The riches of God's kindness is God's boundless grace and vast goodness and it leads sinners to repentance.

In part one of this topic, I made mention of Christians taking advantage of God's grace and extending it to others. We are not only designed to take advantage of God's grace, we are also meant to offer it to others. For instance, if you have a friend who is an unbeliever and is yet to come to the knowledge of Christ, and you reach out to him or her with the glorious gospel, you are offering them grace. Sometimes you may meet the stubborn ones who have rejected the gospel, yet you keep reminding them of what Christ has done without giving up on them. Beloved that's a way of extending grace.

When we refuse to give up on the lost souls and keep sharing, weeping for them, witnessing and praying for their salvation, grace is at work. No one is outside the reach of God's grace because its a tremendous privilege given to the human race. Therefore don't give up on even the hardened, because the richness of grace is sufficient enough to win them eventually. When they believe and accept the life of God through Christ, its grace and by grace alone. This implies that our salvation is God's mysterious plan worked out by grace.

Here is another practical way to express grace: Grace enables us to focus on the Word and establish it through practical, real-life application. It empowers us to reflect on God's principles and put them to work. Anytime you feel that God is nudging you to go deeper into His Word and gain insight into any passage of the Scripture, it is grace at work. Grace cannot be seen, but can be heard, felt and experienced. Grace is also the voice of God's Spirit. This is why it can empower you to do and accomplish His good pleasure.

Beloved its not too late to practise soaking yourself into the Word and taking advantage of the immeasurable value of God's grace. Start magnifying the power of grace in your life, read and absorb it in the pages of the Scriptures, observe and recognise its workings, discuss it with others, share it with the lost souls, grow and go deeper in it, so you can always apply and experience more of it in your daily life. Shalom!

Scripture Reading - John 1:16 ; 2 Corinthians 9:8; Romans 1:5; 2 Timothy 1:9; Titus 2:11.

Exuberant Declaration:

I have Christ in me and I'm discovered and made whole by the riches of God's grace. Through grace, I've received the free gift of salvation and its blessings such as eternal life, righteousness, divine health, prosperity, unlimited potentials and the manifestation of divine wisdom and excellence in my life, and I experience all, both now and always. Hallelujah!




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