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To the saints,

I have so much faith in those whose hearts are panting to receive from God and are longing for His continual reign in their lives and families.

Valentine day is today, and like my custom normally is, it is a thing of joy for me to advise you to stay far from sexual immorality and activities that promote such evil practices. I sent the same message in the previous years, and I will continue to do so, by God's grace! 1st Thessalonians 4:3 (KJV) reads, "For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication."

Pastor EJC does not encourage boyfriend and girlfriend relationships outside marriage that involve sexual intercourse in a practical manner. Godly parents encourage such discipline for their children this period and remind them of the right Christian attitude towards Valentine day, as well as the significance of applying our Christian values today. To that effect, many Christian homes or families that have offsprings who have been trained properly advise their children to avoid getting involved in sexual activities this day and beyond.

Simply put, do not copy the world, and their way of celebrating Valentine's day!

To the born again Christian, your association with people must be wielded from a standpoint of sexual purity. I understand that we don't completely have to control over whatever everyone brings into every association, but we can live out the Christ-like character when it comes to sexual topics. For instance, you won't stop going to a work place where people often use vulgar words - just to prove that you are not interested in building such vocabulary. But you can work in their midst and still remain faithful to God in your attitude towards sexual matters, as you represent Christ.

If you are in a godly relationship or courtship leading to marriage, ensure that as a born again Christian, you avoid sexual intercourse until both of you get married. There are so many ways to celebrate valentine day together, and still avoid sexual intimacy or sex outside marriage. It is possible, when the two of you are on fire for God and wants His best by choosing to discipline yourselves in line with His perfect will concerning your godly relationship.

Finally, I will leave you with this: Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body (1 Corinthians 6:18 NLT).

Have a great Valentine day!

~ Pastor EJC


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