Throughout the Scriptures and history, the people of God have witnessed undeniable encounters of God's beauty and majesty as He flows from Mount Zion. No wonder the Holy Bible is replete with impactful and poetic verses that grant us notable insight into the source of Mount Zion's vitality and true beauty. Hence, whenever we delve into the Scriptures that recount Zion, we are conditioned to gain a clearer understanding of who God is.

Reference: Psalm 50:2-3 New Living Translation (NLT) "From Mount Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines in glorious radiance. Our God approaches, and he is not silent. Fire devours everything in his way, and a great storm rages around him."
Beloved, from Zion, the most beautiful of all places, God rises in His splendour and shines forth. This is all about having a deep insight into the dimensions of the glory of God, His shining forth from Mount Zion, demonstrated by invisible encounters with the saints. In other words, only the saints can partake of His glory which is an esoteric level of experiential encounter. Now watch this: In verse 3, God also proceeds to another dimension of glorious demonstration, which is denoted with a fire that devours before Him and a sign characterised by a raging tempest around Him. This implies that whenever God manifests and shines in glorious radiance, He will not be silent, indicating that He doesn't go unnoticed. The fire that devours everything in His way simply reminds us that He is a God of justice, while a raging tempest around Him signifies the presence of His wrath.
So we are completely discovering both the nature and manifest presence of God, as well as our responsibility to believe it, embrace and practise His presence, and always acknowledge all that is an essential part of His manifest presence and eternal glory.
Today's message reveals the key spiritual truths about God's manifestation, only discovered and accessed within the influence of our identity in Christ. God shines forth with a strong healing and health provision, victory, abundance, dominion, safety, plus peace with prosperity, and more so, all the dimensions of his radiance leads the body of Christ into a greater experience of His glory. For instance, Malachi 4:2 reads, "But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture" (NLT). This is God "shining forth" like the sun; the earth's sun is mirrored in a calming manner, in terms of having a healing, calming effect. God, through His Son, namely Christ, reigns as the Sun of righteousness, bringing the light of healing and salvation to all who believe.
God seizes every moment of opportunity to impart an attitude of His glory in our lives as we strategically position ourselves in Christ to walk in our divine identity. Moreover, having been born into Zion by virtue of new birth, we are now stationed to experience divinely orchestrated victories and miraculous encounters and to possess our possessions because we have inherited a much higher and superior identity in Christ Jesus.
Scripture Reading - Psalm 9:11; Isaiah 4:3; Psalm 48:1-3; Joel 2:32; Psalm 133:1-3.
Exuberant declaration: The testimony of the Lord is sure: God shines forth from Zion, the perfection of beauty. He delivers men from darkness to light, from error to truth, from sin to righteousness, from sickness to health and from spiritual death to eternal life. In Zion, He has restored my soul, bestowed His grace and lavished His favour on me. Therefore, I daily conform to His image, thereby renewing and perfecting the beauty of my inward man, through the ministry of the Word and communion with the saints. Hallelujah!
