Nothing will prepare and propel you for your next level in life like sharing the testimonies of the Lord's goodness. Our testimonies keep us in perfect uniformity of faith because through them, we engage the thoughts of divine experiences and apprehend spiritual solutions as tangible results we can appertain to.
Reference: Psalm 78:11 Amplified Bible (AMP) "And they forgot His [incredible] works And His miraculous wonders that He had shown them."
Have you seen wonderful people posing for magazine covers, flaunting their happy earthly encounters with pictures and sharing their life's stories unabashed? That's a public recounting of a mere human experience and today's generation perfectly understands this. These are people who are unashamedly willing to reveal the experiences of their progress in life to the public. Yet so many Christians are not fully eager and firmly persuaded to share the truth of their testimonies with others and to lay hold on more miraculous encounters with God by a lively faith.
The above referenced Scripture is one of those situations where God's own people, the men of Ephraim, turned their back on Him and did not keep His covenant with them because they refused to live by His law. The rebellious Israel forgot His works and wonders which He had shown them and the marvelous things He did in the sight of their fathers in the land of Egypt, such as dividing the red sea and causing them to pass through, leading them in the daytime with the cloud, and all the night with a light of fire, spliting the rocks in the wilderness, and giving them drink in abundance like the depths.
Beloved, many people, whose manifold distress might have dampened their hope, will derive a lot of lessons and even build their own faith from the divine experiences of your miraculous encounters, if you'd just be enthusiastic enough to testify or share the evidence with them. Did you know that the diction of your testimonies has an influential effect in persuading others to come and taste God's faithfulness? Yes it does! After Jesus raised Lazarus from death, more and more people were fully convinced about His miraculous ability and wonders, because the crowd that witnessed the preternatural event began to testify and spread the news everywhere. And quickly enough, He drew almost all the people to Himself.
This was set down in John 12:17-19 (NIV/NLT) which reads, "Many in the crowd had seen Jesus call Lazarus from the tomb, raising him from the dead, and they were telling others about it." Many people, because they had heard that he had performed this sign, went out to meet him. So the Pharisees said to one another, "See, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone after him!"' Indeed, we are so blessed to get increasingly decorated with God's goodness and faithfulness, because we have access to the miraculous through our daily fellowship with the Father. And for this reason, we can partake of all those blessings which God has promised us in Christ Jesus as our birth right.
Divine miracles or wondrous deeds are graciously unveiled to us for our advantage and they are granted upon the wonderful assurances which have been repeatedly given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ in the pages of the Scriptures. When we share them, they become a source of help and comfort to Christians who are currently under trials; hence, they can receive succour and become greatly relieved and inspired to crave after divine assistance or solution. Therefore, as you partake of all those miracles, privileges and advantageous benefits Christ has purchased for us on the cross, do not hesitate to testify. Shalom!
Scripture Reading - Psalm 34:8; John 15:27; Luke 21:13; Psalm 119:46; Acts 14:17.
Exuberant Declaration: The Lord is so good to me and I always experience the boon of His goodness through joyous encounters. He has continued to perform His miraculous deeds in my life and to bestow the glory of His earnest wonders on me because I observe and walk in His ways. Hallelujah!