According to the epistle, Pros Korinthious A, apostle Paul acknowledged that he was a fool for Christ. Not only that, he experienced a lot of negative things and situations that were humiliating and also he had a lot of affliction and troubling development that beset him in his public ministry. For that reason, he shared those experiences with those he had begotten in Christ through the gospel. Yet he encouraged them to remain consolidated with the rewarding benefits of the gospel, in view of the truth that every born again Christian is already blessed in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ (see Ephesians 1:3 NIV).
Reference: 1 Corinthians 4:10 New American Standard Bible (NASB) "We are fools on account of Christ, but you are prudent in Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are distinguished, but we are without honor!"
During Paul's day, he always flourished in the work of God, knowing that his labour was not in vain in the Lord. Consequently, he was fruitful and productive in ministry. Besides, he confessed his plights and undesirable conditions, yet he encouraged the brethren to abound in unyielding strength, enriching advantage and beneficial truth.
For instance, the apostle from Tarsus confesses, "We are fools for Christ's sake, but you are wise in Christ. We are weak, but you are strong. You are held in honor, but we in disrepute." Paraphrasing it, Paul talked as though he was accepting defeat for Christ's sake, by voicing that his dedication to Christ made him look foolish, weak and without honour, but the brethren claimed to be so wise, so powerful and so honoured in Christ, which are solid affirmations! Assuredly, all of Pauline confessions on behalf on the brethren put them in a favourable or superior position and condition.
Even in times of prayer, the Lord Jesus Christ wants us to boldly come to Him in all circumstances, with our supplications and requests, expecting the best from God, notwithstanding the circumstance or challenge that comes our way. Actually, when our prayers are offered in submission to the will of God, we should learn to remain steadfast and unwavering, believing and trusting God with our faith-filled words, not with the negative thoughts of any experience nor abject confessions.
True maturity of a born again Christian is displayed in how they act in any situation, both favourable and unfavourable. In manifold circumstances, our responses should speak louder than just having a good head for studying and knowing the Scriptures. Therefore, we have to be on guard against speaking negatively. When the enemy or an adversity shows up, we must learn to exhibit the fruits of the spirit in deeds and maintain the right confessions in words, by building up our faith with the Scriptures - regularly!
How? "You may ask!" Instead of complaining and voicing the unfortunate or disadvantageous description of whatever is happening around you, choose to establish the change you desire to see with faith-filled declarations. This is because man is designed with a mouth to speak forth his expectations into existence, not necessarily his adverse experience. To instantiate this, in the beginning, during creation, God noticed that the earth was formless and empty, with darkness covering the surface of the deep. Although the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters, He wasn't extremely agitated or ruffled to raise a complaint to heavenly hosts about the formless shape and empty state of the earth. Instead, God said, "Let there be light," and there was light (see Genesis 1:1-3 NIV).
Beloved, you are at no pains to speak the right words and confess positively, in order to create the enabling atmosphere desirous of change wrought by the Spirit. It is due to the Holy Spirit, as well as, of your own interest, that you rehearse and declare the dictates of faith-filled words concerning any negative situation, leaving no room for discouragement and hopelessness. As you verbalize the statements of your faith with confident assurance, you create a necessity for the Holy Spirit, who is wiser and more advanced than you to hover over the situation, thereby making the right move to effect the description of your expectations. Shalom!
Scripture Reading - Jeremiah 29:11; Romans 8:37; 1 John 3:1; Galatians 4:7; 1 John 4:4; Ephesians 1:3; 1 John 5:4.
Exuberant Declaration: I'm grateful to God for the wealth of enriching truths of the gospel which delivers the best of divine blessings to my life. Therefore, I testify that I'm strong in the Lord and I walk in perfect health, victory, dominion, success, abundance, wisdom and favour. I always speak forth the wisdom of God which He devised and decreed before the ages for my glorification, to lift and elevate me from glory to ever-increasing glory of His presence. Praise God!