Being a blessing to others is being a blessing to ourselves, and when we are genuinely interested in other people's all-round profiting, by ensuring that they succeed in their world, we don't even care whether we are openly acknowledged. Why? Its because it has become part of our lives as true Christians. To be a blessing is a good way of thanking God for His great love and blessing upon our lives. When you understand that His favour has no end in your life, meaning that it lasts for an entire lifetime, you'll easily extend His blessing to others from time to time.
Reference: Galatians 6:9 New American Standard Bible (NASB) 'Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.'
The WNT Bible translation says, 'Let us not abate our courage in doing what is right; for in due time we shall reap a reward, if we do not faint.'
Firstly, we have to know the right things we do as Christians. Once we recognise and identify them, we must not be discouraged in doing them. Prayer is one of them. Don't ever give up in praying or interceding for others. Don't give up in winning souls; don't give up in reaching out for the poor and needy. Don't give up in giving to the Lord. Don't give up in lending your voice to those who don't have a voice, however weak they may seem.
When in position to do so, don't give up in defending the oppressed and protesting against the savage treatment of the less privileged in your world. With our spiritual advice and counsels, we can assist others, and they'll profit spiritually, and with our financial or material possessions, we can minister to other people's necessities.
We can give words of encouragement or even just a smile to those who cross our path, when they are in need of such, in order to strengthen them. In our conversations, we should endeavour to share the gospel and make Jesus known to all, without growing weary or getting fed up. The saving power of the Gospel is the best influence that we can convey to anybody who needs Jesus in our world. By doing so, many will surely come to the knowledge of Christ and live for Him.
2 Thessalonians 3:13 (ESV) says, "As for you, brothers, do not grow weary in doing good." Simply put, don't stop it. When we take our eyes off of ourselves and focus them on God and others, we live beyond the ordinary realm of life which entails minding our concerns only. And we find ourselves reaching out to other people's needs and making notable impact in their lives.
The world of mankind is filled with many problems but God is looking for people who are willing to yield to the Spirit and help others manifest their own lives according to His will and purpose for their lives, as they make themselves available for His use. God wants to bless His people more and position them as a blessing, so they can be a blessing to their world but there must first be a willing heart. God is pleased with a heart, ever ready and prompt to help others ( 2 Corinthians 8:12 NIV), and what we make happen for others, He makes happen for us in a greater measure.
Beloved, there is an ability of well doing bestowed on each one of us, and it manifests as we put it to work in our world. There's always an opportunity for sowing good seeds or participating in good works, and there is always a harvest season, when we reap with joy (see Genesis 8:22 KJV). Remember this: God does not owe anybody because He is not a man. He is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you help His people and others (Hebrews 6:10 NIV).
Therefore, in any given situation or when an opportunity arises, don't hesitate to help others succeed in their world because you are sowing to the Spirit and you shall reap abundance of God's goodness, grace and mercy, if you do not give up (see Galatians 6:9 NIV). Shalom!
Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 15:58; Romans 2:6-10; 1 Peter 2:15; 1 Thessalonians 5:15.
Guided Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word that gives me a sense of responsibility, purpose and direction. Thank you for establishing the works of my hands and for making my life purposeful. As you order my steps out of your goodness and love, I'm strategically positioned to do the good work and accomplish great things which you have prepared for me in Christ before the world began, in Jesus' Name. Amen!