Today, I have come to announce to you that no matter the challenge or situation, you must always rejoice, and allow no one to take away your joy because your time has come. These are the very words of Jesus to His disciples in John 16:20-22, assuring them that every trouble they faced would suddenly turn to joy.

Reference: John 16:21 New International Version (NIV) "A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world."
This is a striking instance where Jesus was making a distinction, as well as connection between pain and joy. In effect, even if not widely acknowledged, this is certainly an inevitable part of the Christian's experience, as we grow in the Lord. So Jesus used a labour metaphor here because pain in child bearing are emotional and sensory experiences that usually end well in joy, due to the hopeful or final outcome - a child is born into the world.
Jesus linked the concept or level of pain experienced while travailing in the birthing process to a sudden outburst of joy. In the process of labour, a woman can experience severe pressure, cramps, and intensifying pains. However, in our Christian faith, this perspective suggests that a challenging experience, which can even come with feelings of deep distress, will eventually vanish and give way to a higher dimension of joy and victorious moments, as well as a new level in life. Therefore, nothing should ever take away your joy.
Pains are physical discomforts and sometimes they are associated with trouble and despair in life's circumstance. Sometimes, travailing in pain can bring forth the life and new phase of the dream, vision and project the Lord has given you. It can also bring about a spiritual growth and development in a life of a Christian. For instance, in an epistle to the Galatians, Paul expressed his desire and concern about their spiritual condition by saying, "My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you" (Galatians 4:19). He wanted them to experience the fullness of the Christ in them. For that reason, he was going through labour pains for them in prayer and by building them up, so that Christ would be fully developed in their lives.
I don't know your heart desire and the seasonal pain you might be experiencing in life as a child of God because you want to deliver God's best in you. Probably, you are going through labour pains to deliver that purpose, vision or expectation. As a result, you may be faced with challenges and trials that show up in a series of events, yet it's a process of change or development God has designed for you to go through, before you emerge. Beloved, cheer up for your time to rise to new heights and levels has come. The Bible says, "But you, Lord, sit enthroned forever; your renown endures through all generations. You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favor to her; the appointed time has come" (Psalm 102:12-13 NIV).
Regardless of the challenge, the psalmist was praising the LORD who rebuilds Zion and acknowledging Him as the sovereign and everlasting God, who sits enthroned forever. This teaches that in every situation, you must trust and praise God, speak the Word from faith perspective and be full of joy. James 1:2 says, "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds" (ESV). Question: Are you encountering trials of many kinds? Are you aware that you are being built strong in the process - for where God is taking you - meaning that you are profiting from them all? Count it all joy!
Once you deliver, and your baby or expectation is born, you'll forget the anguish because of the rapture associated with new promotion, elevation, victory, success, progress, increase, accomplishment, as well as the vitality you've gained to walk in your new level of life. Shalom!
Scripture Reading - Psalm 5:12; Psalm 30:5; Proverbs 3:1-4; Psalm 90:17; Psalm 126:1-2.
Guided Prayer: Dear Father, I thank you for the life of glory and victory I have in Christ Jesus. No matter the challenge that comes my way, it is temporary and I always prevail, thereby maintaining unspeakable joy which is given to me by the Holy Spirit. Through diverse circumstances, I'm proved as silver in the fire of trial and I emerge as gold from the fiery furnace. Thus, I obtain my promotion and you fill my mouth with laughter, and my lips with a shout of joy. I'm forever grateful that I'm always inspired by your Word to come out victorious and well, in Jesus' Name, Amen!
