Having addressed a variety of problems and spiritual matters regarding the Corinthian church, Paul shared an earnest word of counsel with them in relation to their labour of love. Firstly, he poured out his heart to them in regard to holding on to the gospel he shared with them, as shown by the mould of his introductory statement in the beginning of 1st Corinthians chapter 15. Then he ended the chapter with the referenced verse below, an instruction by which the kingdom advancement becomes more effective in our lives.
Reference: 1 Corinthians 15:58 New King James Version (NKJV) "So, my dear brothers and sisters, Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless."
Paul laboured abundantly in the spreading of the Gospel and he was exceptionally strong and immovable in his Kingdom advancement strategy. Here, to be strong and immovable is to ensure you do not neglect your partnership with the Lord. Paul instructs us to stand firm in doing God's work because it is never done in vain. Simply put, the past, present and future of your labour of love will always have a weighty, significant and substantial reward from God.
Working enthusiastically for the Lord serves to embolden the righteous in their walk with the Lord. That's the reason Paul used the word, "strong" and "unmoveable." To be "strong" here, does not suggest having the power to move heavy weights or performing physically demanding tasks, but rather it suggest a steadfast and firm character in carrying out divinely-inspired tasks. On the other hand, the word, unmoveable, implies being constant, stable and focused. Although because of time, much will remain unsaid concerning both words, I want to bring to us to a clear knowledge, that from the illumination shed in today's Scripture by Paul, our fruitful and rewarding days flow as a result of the remarkable vigour and confidence we wield in working tirelessly for the Lord.
God's perfect plan for us is to always excel in his work, giving our best to whatever He has called us to do and doing more than just what is required of us because we love Him. In doing so, we should be continually convinced that our labour for the Lord even to the point of exhaustion, will never go unrewarded. Later, in 2 Corinthians 6:1, Paul urges that we, as God's co-workers, should never receive God's grace in vain (KJV). If you are born again and you are reading this, I also plead with you as a worker together with God, not to receive the grace of God in vain. That means, put it to work in your area of calling or assignment in regard to the Kingdom. For instance, if you're bestowed with the wisdom of teaching, ensure that you develop a great and real confidence with divine aura that attracts others to listen - and you should be zealous about it.
If you are called to help and support the needy, do it with all your heart, as in - with an especial sense and interest of protecting those in need and going the extra mile to bless them because it is a gift from God and sometimes giving alms may require the virtue of sacrificial and selfless attitude. Did you get it? However, Paul is saying, "Always do it enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless." Beloved, nothing can be more clear-cut and assured than the terms of today's referenced Scripture. It advises us unmistakably about what to expect from the Lord as we remain steadfast and constant with divine duties and also, it affords us with more faith and hope of the assurance that God is forever faithful to deliver our rewards in due time. Therefore whatever you do for the Lord, work willingly at it, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people (Colossians 3:23 NLT). Shalom!
Scripture Reading - Acts 11:22-24; Galatians 2:21; 1 Corinthians 3:9; Galatians 6:9-10.
Guided Prayer: Thank you Father in heaven for promoting through today's article, the solid knowledge of the word of truth concerning doing the your work heartily. I therefore, stand firm and remain constant in my sphere of divine duties and in my labour of love. I will continually keep myself busy by fulfilling my purpose in Christ, knowing that everything I do for you is worthwhile and is fully rewarded, in Jesus' Name, Amen!