If you ask me, without even seeing you, I know that you are very special. Why? Its because you took your precious time to read this. Beloved, God considered the truth that we are very special before supplying and apportioning us various gifts of His grace. Remember, He created each one of us in a special way and thus He knows various human designs and inward beings. For this reason, He understands exactly what we need and how to meet that need.

Reference: Ephesians 4:7 New Living Translation (NLT) "However, he has given each one of us a special gift through the generosity of Christ."
Did you notice the rendering "special gift"? God wants you to consider it. He doesn't want you to just tap into the gift and capacities He has given you, He also desires that you don't overlook how special your gift or capacities are. Don't just use your gifts for problem-solving practices. No matter how busy you are, create time to celebrate the fact that it is special, just like you are very special. Understand that you're created anew in Christ with a plan to live a spectacular life by fulfilling the dictates of your special gift.
Sometimes pause and think about this: It should be a thing of joy that you're divinely gifted. This thinking relies on our ability to be intuitive, to recognize our uniqueness, and the fact that we all function differently, while expressing ourselves within the confines or scope of those gifts and abilities. Therefore recognise your God-given gifts and be grateful. Think of the positive impact and inspiration it brings to others, the problem it solves for them, and the opportunities it brings their way that motivate them to actualise notable results and solutions in their various endeavours. That's what make your gift special.
Beloved, you can rest assured that God doesn't want you to run your gifts and abilities based on feeling or emotion, rather He wants you to be confident about what He has given you. That's why the word "special" defines your gift to make the difference. So when you think about your gift, you should have the right approach towards understanding the core of its definition and towards expressing it. In fact, appreciating your God-given gift positions you to be more efficient in it according to His grace.
Christ is a generous giver and He gives the best of gifts. Having studied our referenced Scripture carefully, which reads, "he has given each one of us a special gift through the generosity of Christ", nobody can deny the fact that Christ is the best and generous giver. Though our gifts involve a variety of abilities because we are all specially designed, we must give our best as we operate in them. In other words, God has gifted us all differently and individually and so, we must function accordingly by bringing the best of out of those gifts.
Why did God gift us differently, uniquely and individually? He did so because different gifts mean that we all fulfil diverse roles in the Kingdom and every role is importantly designed to accomplish His divine plan and purposes here on earth. Shalom!
Scripture Reading - Matthew 25:15; 1 Corinthians 12:7; Romans 12:3; Ephesians 3:8; Hebrews 2:4; 1 Peter 4:10.
Guided Prayer: Dear Father in heaven, your gift is a beauty in my spirit, my motivation for godly living and a blessing to the world around me. The standard of the ability of the Spirit at work in me is in proportion to the measure of the gift and generosity of Christ. As a good steward of your grace, I function in my gift in a way that honours you and use it to serve others in ways that benefit them in Jesus' Name, Amen.
