The proof of God's power to help is a topic that enlightens our mind and spirit to acknowledge that God is our ever present help. It's not enough to know God, we must know Him as our help. As we advance in mastering His knowledge and love, there is an unfathomed depth of His power we have to explore in order to experience the legion of possibilities embedded in divine assistance.

Reference: Psalm 63:8 New King James Version (NKJV) "My soul follows close behind You; Your right hand upholds me."
Since our soul is the source of consciousness of our emotion and responsiveness, it means that it contributes to our spiritual awareness and perception of divine help. So it's not just about knowing God as our help, we must be passionate about serving Him and growing in the consciousness of His grace that delivers His help. Beloved, the absolute desire of any soul found in Christ Jesus must be for God, and it should be intense and insatiable, that even the inward man (spirit) will always feel the weight and effect. No wonder Isaiah 68:8-9 says, "...The desire of our soul is for Your name And for the remembrance of You. My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you..." (Isaiah 26:8-9 NASB/NIV).
On the other hand, God's right hand is a spiritual concept that can only be sustained in our lives by faith, no matter where a person is, in this present world. This is the reason the Psalmist accessed it from an uncommon place known as the wilderness. If we have little or no testimony about God's right hand, the probable cause is lack of experience of it, because already, we are seated with Christ in that position, and I'll come to that later. The Bible says this about God: "You have a strong arm; Your hand is mighty, Your right hand is exalted" (Psalm 89:13). Did you notice that this verse reveals a lot about God's right hand? His strong arm denotes God being endowed with supreme power; His hand signifies - being endowed with might, and His right hand being exalted, signifies the "majesty of His sovereign authority." In a nutshell, this Scripture proclaims: Gracious God, powerful is your arm! Strong is your hand! Your right hand is lifted high as sovereign authority.
The greatness of God's power to help and uphold - stirs His desire in us. Simply put, with the assisting strength of His right hand, He upholds us firmly as we desire more of Him. The idea of God's right hand upholding, assisting, delivering and favouring us is repeated many times in the Psalms. And the verses reflect manifold expression of divine assistance and intervention, as well as the idea of divine protection and position of great influence. (See Psalm 18:35; Psalm 41:10; Psalm 60:5; Psalm 118:16; Psalm 138:7; Psalm 139:10).
To further instantiate Davidic inspired revelation in our referenced Scripture, Paul instructed us in Colossians 3:1 saying, "Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God" (Colossians 3:1 NASB). Now watch this: Where is Christ seated? At the right hand of God. What did David do differently to gain access to the right hand of God? He sought after God with his soul or in a more detailed way, with everything in him. This is exactly Pauline persuasion in the book of Colossians: Beloved, now that you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Got it? Interestingly, in Christ, we are better of because we are already seated with Christ in that realm, thereby possessing supreme or ultimate authority.
In Ephesians 1:18-21, apostle Paul talked about God's incomparably great power for us who believe. He continued by saying, "That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come" (NIV). Beloved, as the most sovereign authority, God's right hand in the heavenly realms is far above every other rule and authority, power and dominion both in the heavenly realms and in the earth. And it wields the supreme, immeasurable, unlimited and surpassing greatness of His active, spiritual power, which is now at work in us who believe. Shalom!
Scripture Reading - Mark 14:62; Hebrews 1:3; Acts 5:31; Hebrews 12:2.
Guided Prayer: Dear Father in heaven, I thank you for raising me up in Christ Jesus, where I'm seated with Him in the heavenly realms at your right hand. Therefore, I affirm that I'm found in Christ, a more desirable, superior and advantageous position, and I function accordingly in the earth realm. The success of my easy access to your help is the result of my great passion, earnestness, eagerness and immediateness to truly long for you and serve you with all my heart, my soul and my spirit. Your instructions are sweeter than honey; I meditate on them in the night watches and they reveal your glory in my life. By the inner working of your Spirit in me, you condition my soul and spirit to always seek your depth and I'm forever grateful in Jesus' Name, Amen!
