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We have been given an invaluable gift as a means of communication with God. This gift is the precious Word of God. However, our responsibility is to cultivate the soil of our hearts and make it receptive to God's voice. So today, I pray that your personal relationship with God will continually flourish as you allow yourself to enjoy His eternal pleasure through the means of paying cogitative attention His Word.

Reference: Deuteronomy 8:3 New International Version (NIV)

"Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord."

The above Scripture tell us that, "Man is not designed to live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord." What does this imply? It means that physical nourishment is not all that is required to stay alive or to flourish in life; every man has a great need for spiritual nourishment because man is a spirit being.

Whilst the physical food is visibly eaten through the mouth and digested into the body, which in turn, nutrifies and builds a man's body, the Word of God is a spiritual food that is digested through cogitative assimilation and in turn, it nutrifies and develops a man's spirit and soul. Evidently, when the Word is planted in a good soil, it will always produce visible results and abundant life (see Matthew 13:23 NIV). Therefore, what we have as the Scriptures is a feast that satisfies the deepest needs of our innermost beings, which no physical food or drink could ever sate.

When you open your Bible to study it with ardent alacrity, you will surely gain undeniable access to the wisdom of God. The Scripture is God's voice made available to you to successfully navigate the moments of your life, your daily activities and the situations you encounter. When you cogitate on it with all your heart, you can rightly sense that God speaks to you, and that you have direct access to the right voice through the Bible.

Indeed, God always desires to reveal His will to you, and therefore, by giving you His Spirit to guide you into all the truth, His will becomes your activated response in all you do. This is the very reason you must yield to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, because He connects you directly to the right and active voice of our heavenly Father. To that effect, John 16:13 reads, "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come" (NIV).

When you read the Scripture with the very present help of your teacher, the Holy Spirit, it ceases to become just a wonderful book written many decades ago but a source of divine wisdom and revelation. Therefore, make it a personal obligation to read the Bible prayerfully, and to pay attention to every word, phrase, and idea that cogently stand out.

Always allow God to speak to your spirit and apply the Scriptures directly to your life through the enabling influence of God's Spirit. And as you read and study the Word with continual asseveration in your heart and your mouth, you'll keep experiencing a notable change and transformation, and when you form the habit of confessing and practising it always, you'll be blessed in everything you do (see James 1:22-25).

God's Word is only as effectual and impactful as you are willing to cogitate on it with ardent alacrity, and apply it to your life. The power of the Scriptures will come alive and remain evident as you submit yourself to the influence. Today as you read God's Word, ask the Holy Spirit to highlight the phrases and divine ideas it conveys, submit yourself and make declarations in line with what it dictates, which denotes being willing to agree with and respond to the Word.

So God is ever ready to speak to you through the Scriptures, and when you hear Him, be prepared to sow the seed of His voice in any area of your life that requires change and upgrade because whenever and wherever His voice is welcomed, it produces results. Therefore, open your heart to the Word, and allow it to produce results, so you can enjoy the fruit of righteousness, joy, peace, and blessing in your life.

Here are some tips to help you in your Bible study and quiet times, as you cogitate on the Word: Ask the Holy Spirit to open your inner eyes to the details of the Scriptures, as He teaches and guides you on every truth of the Word. That way, when you cogitate on the verses and their eternal wordings, they will begin to influence your will, thoughts, emotions, and perspectives. Then the presence of the Spirit within the lines of the Scripture will breathe life into any area of your focus that is yet to align with His Word. In other words, be persist in declaring it to yourself so it can impact your life in a noticeable manner. And always choose to be a doer of the Word you hear, in order to position yourself for uncommon glorious encounters.

Scripture Reading - Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4; 1 Timothy 4:15; James 1:23-25.

Guided Prayer:

Precious heavenly Father, I'm grateful for your invaluable gift - the Word, which is evidently effective in me as a supreme god on earth, and also upgrades my earthly manifestations from glory to glory. By giving apt attention to alacritous cogitation of the Word on a daily basis, the power of the supreme influence is constantly demonstrated in my life, such that I'm empowered to scatter all the works of the enemy into irrecoverable pieces and to manifest the excellence of the Spirit. I'm fruitful and productive because the Word is utterly dominant in my life; thus I'm full of grace and the wisdom of God, in Jesus' Name, Amen!


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