As I conclude this topic today, I want to remind you that the Lord said: "At that time you must sing about a fruitful vineyard." In other words, "At that time, in praise and in actionable manner, the people of God will be practically raised to glory and honour by God's grace waiting to manifest in Christ." And it has happened at the fullness of time. More below!

Reference: Isaiah 27:2-3 Contemporary English Version (CEV)
"The Lord said: At that time you must sing about a fruitful vineyard. I, the Lord, will protect it and always keep it watered. I will guard it day and night to keep it from harm."
Today's article is focused on the final segment:
"I will guard it day and night to keep it from harm."
Beloved, the Lord will always guard His vineyard day and night, protecting it against any that might wish to harm it.
It is in the Kingdom of heaven fully established in the hearts of the saints, that the guardianship which God promised His people is fully realised. By this I mean that within us, we have received a Kingdom of light that consciously keeps us aware of a superior aura of safety, protection and constant salvation.
To that effect, Pauline epistolary expression numbered as Ephesians 5:9 reads, "For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true" (NLT), not what is fearful and bad. If you understand this truth, you don't always have to fearfully pray for safety and protection because within you is a fixed ambience of divine safety and salvation.
Now watch this: I'm not saying that the utterance of such a protective prayer is entirely wrong, all I'm saying is that the grace for divine shielding, safety and protection has levels of demonstration when it comes to divine positioning aptness on sundry "individual" mind level.
According to Pastor EJC, I have a primary perceptive propensity of divine nature permanently ingrained within my inwardness, which grants me a unique insight into valorous system of operation, and I gained this spiritual understanding based on the certainty of Jesus' utterance: "I have said these things to you so that in Me you may have peace..." (John 16:13 LEB).
When your cognitive faculties such as reasonings and imaginations operate on the frequency of a mental process that can hold images of the mind of Christ, [a mental excellence which is not found in ordinary humans], how on earth can you think of seeking for divine protection, which you already have within?
The mind of Christ is an indicator of an internal modeling of boldest reality, which gathers a type of thinking that banishes the perceptions of sensory output such as fear, dismay, terror, distress, fright, anxiety and worry. All fearful action is therefore an antithetical or incompatible imitation of the mind of Christ. Panic is also an assured and asisted antipode of the mind of Christ, that causes a wildly dreadful and uncoordinated behaviour.
I can't be humongously seated in Christ beside God on the throne, and be mindful of terror, uncontrollable fear or anxiety in my thought pattern - both of them cannot happen at the same time or in a synchronous manner. It has never happened in God's most fruitful and powerful vineyard, namely Pastor EJC.
I have the indomitable character and in depth capacity for consistent expression of untold inexhaustible and energetic boldness in my world. I have a special ability to maintain a clear consciousness of dauntless distinctness based on the mind of Christ bigly at work in me.
Beloved, the boldness of the Spirit is the mystery behind a righteous living and strong Christian character. Instead of always praying for divine protection from a fearful standpoint, my prayer is this: May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation - the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ - for this will bring much glory and praise to God (Philippians 1:11 NLT). Shalom!
Scripture Reading - Psalm 27:1; Psalm 91:1-2; 2 Thessalonians 3:3; 1 John 5:18.
Exuberant Declaration:
I'm full of joy, and I sing out about the vineyard most fruitful. Glory to God!
