I am introducing a new topic, namely, the fruitful vineyard. More below!
Reference: Isaiah 27:2-3 Contemporary English Version (CEV)
"The Lord said: At that time you must sing about a fruitful vineyard. I, the Lord, will protect it and always keep it watered. I will guard it day and night to keep it from harm."
When I looked up the meaning of a fruitful vineyard during my study time, I found out that it denotes the planting and development of a grapevine in a happy or beneficial way. In the context of our referenced Scripture, it is considered a pleasant vineyard - something to sing about. In other words, the keyword is "singing" and this singing has to do with a paean based on lyrics - replete with the richness of blossoming, flourishing, desirable, delightful and profitable vineyard.
Sing with utmost enthusiasm - it will be noted in the song that the redeemed nation of Israel, typifying "A vineyard of fresh wine" has been restored. Sing in praise of it!" Now watch this: The singing covers a broad spectrum of functional vineyard, plus its synthesis, processing and theoretical analyses, as well as its proliferant characterization and refreshing properties. So the emphasis is placed on the fruitful nature of the vineyard, which is an important attention we are going to consider as the forefront or vanguard in this topic.
More so, a fruitful vineyard is not mainly or entirely symbolic of the redeemed nation of Israel, which implies that it is equally important to comprehend that it is emblematic of born-again Christians who are positioned in Christ Jesus to access and enjoy the full benefits of salvation, that partly include the blessing of unco prosperity, legendary advancement and advantageous favour. Zero wonder, the versified reference literally commenced with this specific mode of expression or phraseology: "In that day", denoting the fullness of Christ's Kingdom of heaven being brought down to mankind. Got it?
The reason that has given "humankind" a special position in partaking of the divine nature has been revealed as Christ Jesus, the defining character of true vine. To that effect, Jesus Himself acknowledged it in John 15:1 by saying: "I am the true vine, and My Father is the keeper of the vineyard [or the vine dresser]" (ESV). We are the branches of the true vine in the garden of redemptive salvation. Got it! And God is the husbandman, vintner or vineyard keeper. This is exactly what the book of Isaiah prophesied ahead of "Christ's arrival in human flesh", in accordance with our referenced Scripture:
"In that day, sing about the fruitful vineyard. I, the Lord, will watch over it, watering it carefully. Day and night I will watch so no one can harm it."
The reason known as Christ, on account of His atoning sacrifice, is not just a "true vine" character of figure that God's people happen to have received; for good measure - as His branches, He mainly sustains our faith to bear the fruits of righteousness and peace, and advertently, for every branch that bears fruit, He repeatedly prunes, so that it will bear more fruit (John 15:2 AMP). So I consider the "Reason" a highly Supreme Deity than the "vineyard" itself which can only produce fruitful results, not on the basis and characteristics of human nature, but on the strength of eternal life that exists in the true vine, because it is the life of divine nature that we share in Him, linking us firmly and apparently - to divinity and supernatural experiences.
To that effect, Johannine literature numbered as John 15:5 reads, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing" (NIV). Hallelujah! Stay tuned for the expository knowledge of this topic, coming in the successive parts. Shalom!
Scripture Reading - John 15:4; Philippians 4:13; Colossians 2:6-7; Galatians 2:20; Colossians 1:17.
Exuberant Declaration:
I am a fruitful vineyard with enriching effects. The Lord Himself keeps me and waters me every moment, guarding me day and night. Praise God!