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When you are always conscious of being the head just like God has made you to be, such mindset becomes the commanding principle of your actions. And the beautiful thing about functioning as a royal head is that it satisfies the conception of what is perfect in the Christian faith. Once it becomes your exemplary behaviour, you are living a divinely-inspired life and reigning in exultant level of spiritual manifestation and unchallenged dominion, as well as commanding matchless superlative influence in your world. More below!

Reference: Ephesians 2:6-7 The Message (MSG)

"Then He picked us up and set us down in highest heaven in company with Jesus, our Messiah. Now God has us where He wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus."

Based on the above versified reference, the next segment to be expounded by my humble self is:

Now God has us where He wants us, with all the time in this world.

To have us where He wants us, God arranges our circumstances and existence in this world to align with His predestined purpose for our lives, and He does it in this order:

"And those whom He predestined, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified [declared free of the guilt of sin]; and those whom He justified, He also glorified [raising them to a heavenly dignity]" (Romans 8:30 AMP).

So the above Scripture, in its sequential structure, expatiates the exact meaning of: "Now God has us where He wants us, with all the time in this world." After calling and justifying us by means of salvation, we ended up where He wants us, which is "raising us to a heavenly dignity." And from this glorious perception, I coined the term, "royal headship."

Beloved I urge you today to think highly of your headship position in Christ with a "well-mannered" sound thinking, accompanied by practicality of the wording - in accordance with the measure of your faith, because the level of your faith walk with God is definitely determined by how often you renew and upgrade your thought pattern, which in turn, influences the standard of your earthly life. To that effect, Romans 12:3 reads, "And because of God's gracious gift to me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you should. Instead, be modest in your thinking, and judge yourself according to the amount of faith that God has given you" (GNT).

Personally, I know that such godly thoughts help me to find occasions in any given situation, to express a heightened level of goodness which was potentially lodged within my inward being when God created me for good works in Christ Jesus. So I am always sure that my pathway and the power of God will always respond to my mindset when I think highly of this truth. Glory to God!

Interestingly, notice the notion apostle Paul was never against - "Thinking of yourself highly." This implies that thinking of your "royal headship" highly is perceptively permitted. So there is absolutely nothing wrong with thinking of yourself highly because you are unapologetically - the head. Paul simply enjoined us to reduce the degree from "more highly" to "highly." Hallelujah! As the gods, he knew that we have the unquestionable right and indomitable capacity to think of ourselves highly, in accordance with the revelatory insight numbered as 1st John 5:4 (ESV) -

"For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith."

So within the inner background where you exercise your thought pattern, your headship is mainly demonstrated in accordance with your measure of faith.

Why does this "thought" have to do with our faith? By faith, our union with Christ is "or" was inseparably formed, and since we have been raised to new life with Christ, our position in Him is a high place of honour at God's right hand. So the peculiarity of entertaining such thoughts should be pinned to "think highly" status. Are you with me? And the exemplary effect of doing so is that it empowers you to reign in life and grants you uncommon access to limitless possibilities (to infinity and beyond). Stay tuned for part 6. Shalom!

Scripture Reading - Deuteronomy 26:19; 28:13; Psalm 3:3; Isaiah 61:10; Colossians 2:10.

Exuberant Declaration:

By the enduring influence of the precious Holy Spirit, I enjoy my headship dominion which is the free, unmerited, unplumbed and omnipresent favour of God, that is highly transmitted according to my faith in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!


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