"Let there be light" is an extremely important topic for everyone. So please pay apt attention and do not think that because such passage of Scripture specifically relates to God's speech during creation, it is not applicable to you. More below!

Reference: Genesis 1:3 New International Version (NIV)
And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
When God said, "Let there be light", He was demonstrating His Word, namely Jesus Christ. Revelation 19:13 reads, "...and the name by which He is called is The Word of God" (ESV).
Colossian 1:15-17 says this about Jesus:
"He is the exact image of the invisible God, the firstborn of creation, the eternal. It was by Him that everything was created: the heavens, the earth, all things within and upon them, all things seen and unseen, thrones and dominions, spiritual powers and authorities. Every detail was crafted through His design, by His own hands, and for His purposes. He has always been! It is His hand that holds everything together."
How was Jesus the originator of everything that was created? He was God's speech, and so, through Him (the Word of God), every creation was made manifest, and in Him (the Word of God), all things hold together. Simply put, His is the controlling, cohesive force of the universe. So He sustains the "Light of sunshine" by which we all see sundry objects on earth distinctly.
It is Jesus that made it possible for us to see the light of the sun with our eyesight, which enables us to observe, discern and perceive the form, the magnitude, the distance and the relation of objects, thereby preventing us from experiencing the dangers and bewilderment which result from a state of darkness. Yes, it is the Lord Jesus Christ, and He hasn't switched off the sunlight yet.
Moreover, Jesus is not just responsible for the sunlight, which is the physical light of the world, but also, He is the Sun of righteousness, a spiritual light. To that effect, Malachi 4:2 reads, "But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings..." (NLT).
Other heavenly hosts who were present during the creation, are the morning stars. To that effect, God asked Job a question which says, "When the morning stars sang together And all the sons of God (angels) shouted for joy?" (Job 38:7 AMP), emphasising on the dynamic implication and importance of praise and worship, which is another day's topic.
I don't know how many people who take our versified reference seriously or consider to even apply it often. However, we must always understand that already, there are heavenly lights; we are not going to create or speak new heavenly lights into existence, but we've been called into the Kingdom of light, to establish diverse spiritual lights in our lives and world by the spoken Word. To that effect, Psalm 36:9 reads, "You are the source of all life, and because of your light we see the light" (GNT).
This implies that in the Kingdom of light, we experience the ray that streams from the Sun of righteousness [Christ], thereby empowering us to see light. How do we see light in the Kingdom of light? If God gives you a word to say, whether it's written in the Bible or a spoken Word directly stirred from your spirit, that's a light, but it's got to be divinely inspired to you in a specific manner, in order for it to be an assured light from God. Got it?
Beloved, you must align your mind and spirit with the understanding that through the spoken "Word of God", the world was originally created. And the Bible says, "In him was life, and that life was the light of men" (John 1:4 BSB). So here, the Gospel of John makes reference to spiritual life of Christ as light, not the light of the sunshine that brightens the atmosphere of the earth. The written Word (Logos) or spoken Word of God (Rhema) is the spiritual light of mankind. Stay tuned for part 3. Shalom!
Scripture Reading - Ecclesiastes 2:13; John 8:12; 1 Peter 2:9; James 1:17.
Exuberant Declaration:
I am chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, who declare His praises and establishes the light of His Word in my life and world, because He called me out of darkness into His wonderful light. Hallelujah!
