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Jubilation is a mood of great exhilaration and triumph. It is the acknowledgement tone of inward joy and the loud expression of satisfactory gladness, both in good times and in trials. It is characterised by joy, pleasure, great delight and triumph, yet its usually of a strong, moderate and temperate expression.

From January to December , if you consider the events of the year within these months, you will realise that the number of times you have experienced the goodness of God is however, uncountable. Did you achieve any good thing or result, in any way or form this year? Whatever it is to you, whether significant or not, it is a good cause for jubilation in December 2020.

Always find a quite moment this season to sit down and take stock of your life. Make an overall assessment of every particular, major situation you faced and how God favoured you. And you'll definitely observe that no matter the unrest in the world, there are specific moments the Spirit of God littered your life with glad tidings, by angelic assistance, ensuring that all is well with you from time to time.

With this in view, have you acknowledged that in so many ways, God stretched His goodness over your life, and in your sphere of influence from January to December 2020, without reservation? If so, why not focus on His goodness and jubilate to infinity and beyond?

Foundation Scripture: Jeremiah 33:9 (LEB) 'And it will be to me a name of JUBILATION, a praise, and a glory before all the nations of the earth, who will hear all the good that I [will] do [for] them, and they will fear, and they will tremble because of all the good, and because of all the prosperity that I [will] provide for it.'

God's goodness is used in this context to convey the pleasant, joyful, and overwhelmingly positive effect of blessings on the people of Israel after their exile and captivity. I believe this Scripture has a part to play in your story this year, because amid the world's state of turmoil, crisis, chaos and protest uprisings, you experienced God's goodness and mercy. Therefore join me and find time for jubilation.

3 ways to stir up uncommon scenes of jubilation:

1. Count your blessings: Counting our blessings is always a good idea that provokes jubilation and empowers us to give thanks to God for everything He has done for us in life. When you imagine the favour of God upon your life, you'll be inspired to thank God first, for the gift of His precious Son, Jesus Christ, who is everything to you. The Bible says that Christ is our exceedingly great reward. He became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30 ESV). Christ became to us, God's revelation of Himself, thus granting us divine wisdom from the source of all wisdom, which surpasses utterly any wisdom we could ever gain access to, in the natural realm. His presence in our lives is more than enough to cause us to jubilate every now and then. As you jubilate, be thankful for the food, shelter, friends, family, the right connections and most importantly, God's love. Our thankful heart this month will position us for even greater jubilation in the days and years to come.

2. Thank God that your faith in God is still intact: It's a thing of joy that regardless of the unexpected virus events that spread and compounded health issues around the globe this year, our faith is still intact, active and unshakeable. Although there was (and there is) still such cases, there is great comfort for those who have been trusting in God in the midst of all these experiences. No doubts, throughout this year, our faith experienced persecutions, challenges and adversity that came in different forms, yet our confidence, victory and triumph are in the sure and perfect work that Christ accomplished for us. Thus, God's assurance of protection was and is always certain in our lives. The Spirit of God is tirelessly able to save to the uttermost, those who are active in Christ. Beloved, the very fact that you didn't lose heart this year, instead you were able to cling to Christ is a thing of joyful exuberance and it calls for jubilation.

3. Thank God for the gift of Holy Spirit: What does the Bible say about the gift of God? James 1:17 (NKJV) reads, 'Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.' God is the Father of lights who gives His children good and perfect gift. The Holy Spirit is our perfect gift from heaven (see Luke 11:13 and Galatians 3:14). He resides in us (1 John 3:24), witnesses to us (Acts 15:8), directs us, instructs us and guides us into all truths. What a sound reason to jubilate. Engaging the active presence of the Holy Spirit gives us overwhelming sensation of God's goodness on a frequent basis. Yes we can always jubilate by the Spirit, who causes us to triumph..

Finally, Psalm 116:12-13 (NLT) says, 'What can I offer the LORD for all he has done for me?' I will lift up the cup of salvation and praise the LORD's name for saving me.' In other words, it's the right time and month for continuous Jubilation. As you jubilate, stay tuned for the improved version of heaven's miraculous effects.

God bless you,



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