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Jesus carries the responsibility for our spiritual and all-round wellbeing and sustainable joy, which quells our natural desire to lean on, or function in accordance with our own understanding concerning everything that pertains to our lives. The truth is that we don't really know who we are without Christ. This is why we must remain in Him and allow His words to remain in us. More below!

Reference: John 15:7 New Living Translation (NLT) "But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted."

Since we are still on the point or segment: "And my words remain in you", what are the reasons for mentioning it in His statement according to the above versified reference?

Firstly, the Word will activate your mind with spiritual wisdom and understanding that get you pointed in the right direction for constant unstoppable growth, divine fulfilment, and good success in this present world. As you give the Word a quality time, after a while, the knowledge it conveys becomes part of your intelligence such that you're able to establish an intimate, harmonious relationship with God and our Lord Jesus Christ. Then your spiritual growth becomes consistent, gracious, and highly evident because of your knowledgebase, which is full of the Word. Now it is gloriously evidential that the Word is at work at the very core of your being.

Secondly, when you go for the Word by yielding to the inspiration of the Spirit, you are in for the deep things of God and the mysteries of grace which are embedded in it. This is because you are beholding as in a glass, the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, the glory of His office as the Son of God, the glory of His Lordship as you submit to the authority of the Word, the glory of His righteousness, as you walk in righteousness and obey His Word, as well as many other wondrous things that reveal the evidence of the truths contained in the Word. Are you with me?

But here is the challenge: Some Christians are sorely lacking in terms of accurate understanding and application of the Word and the glory it radiates, because they take it for granted in so many aspects of life. Since they don't value the Word, they usually have little understanding of how much the Word can influence their perceptions, sensory consciousness, intelligence, actions and decisions, and as a result, they limit themselves in so many ways by not identifying with the Word. And so, with zero awareness of doing so, they often live under a fixed sense of limited expression in relation to exerting divine possibilities on earth.

Beloved, understand that we must learn to gaze into the Word with a steady intent in order to see the way forward and heavenward. That's the reason Pauline epistolary communication according to the book of Colossians exhorts us in this manner: "Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God's right hand" (Colossians 3:1 NLT). In Christ Jesus, we are called to chain our minds to the things above through paying "thorough" attention to the Word, because the authority of the Word expresses heavenly realities, which are replete with eternal truth.

As we pin our minds on things above, the ornamental or godly values that make up our mindset will rapidly move up to higher degrees through the ladder of the Word and then, ramp up the amount of benefits we gain in Christ - with a radical intensity. Stay tuned for more on sustaining the Word - in part 5. Shalom!

Scripture Reading - Acts 17:11; 1 Corinthians 2:13; Romans 10:17; 2 Timothy 2:15.

Exuberant Declaration: The mystery of heavenly realities is divulged and made known to me through the Word of God, and by them, I obtain the full assurance of faith and hope that is in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!


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