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Paul saw it as a great privilege to speak of Christ. This is because of his life prior to conversion. Then, he persecuted the body of Christ as Saul of Tarsus. Despite such past, Paul noted that he had been specifically appointed by God and we know He did not ask for it.

Paul did not even see it coming but our Lord Jesus specifically appointed Him for it. He received it by grace similarly to receiving salvation by grace through faith. And His calling was to minister to Gentiles about the glorious gospel of Christ.

Reference: Ephesians 3:7-8 English Standard Version (ESV) 'Of this gospel I was made a minister according to the gift of God's grace, which was given me by the working of his power. To me, though I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ.'

The apostle Paul acknowledged it as a great privilege to be granted the opportunity to preach the Gospel. His deep sense of unworthiness due to his past, motivated his thought of God's especial grace and favour to him (1 Corinthians 15:9; 1 Timothy 1:15). He so much appreciated his calling with intense delight. Although he was successful in his calling, his success in it, greatly humbled him to the point of being grateful and thankful to God on a frequent basis.

How often do you thank and appreciate God for what He's called you to do? How frequently do you magnify God and give Him the credit for every step of success you've recorded in your career, field, vocation or calling? Or do you think it is by chance, by luck or by your own design?

Remember, the fuller a ship becomes, the deeper it sinks in the water. In other words, the more success or progress you record in your field of endeavour, the more humble and grateful you should be. If you're always grateful for what you have achieved in your career or what you do for the Lord, you're in for great surprises and more of God's favour.

Proclaiming the 'unsearchable riches' of Christ is a great privilege. I personally describe it as the wealth of divine truth and grace which cannot be wholly measured, cannot be exhausted and most importantly, it provides everything we need in life in abundance. In other words, God's riches offer great benefits which are beyond our human understanding and ability to search or contain.

Paul's wording also emphasized that He could not and would not have chosen his exact path by himself. Yet, God had a purpose in calling him, which transformed countless lives. The thought of having such riches to offer to all, made him glorify his office and filled him with adoring gratitude to God for having conferred it on him.

There are great lessons to learn and gain from Apostle Paul. One of them is that he never deviated from the subject of his ministry. From his first sermon to his last, Paul preached Christ, and nothing but Christ. He lifted up the cross, Christ's death and resurrection, and declared Christ glorified. He also pressed on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called him in Christ Jesus, forgetting what was behind and straining toward what was ahead of him (see Philippians 3:13-14).

Follow Paul's example in all your approach and endeavours. In your career, mission, vocation or purpose, be exceptionally focused and single-minded; give all your best to what you do and aim to be the best in it. Also aim to outdo your past, pressing forward toward great goals and accomplishing the needful.

In your personal efforts to spread the glad tidings of salvation, let 'Christ' be your ever-recurring theme. Magnify Him in such a way that people of the world would embrace His love and salvation, and feel His influence in their lives as sweet fragrance.

Remember, according to 2 Corinthians 2:14-15, our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God and that emission is the master-key that unlocks the heart of the hearers, as we spread everywhere, the Intelligence of the knowledge of God.

Scripture Reading - Acts 20:32; Romans 11:33; Ephesians 3:16-20; Romans 8:17.

Guided Prayer: Heavenly Father, I'm deeply blessed by your kindness and I seize this moment to express profound thankfulness for the blessings I have in my life. I acknowledge that all I am, do, and have received is from you. My blessings are many and my heart is filled with gratitude for my profession, career and operational gifting, knowing that I'm rightly positioned to fulfil your purpose for my life, in Jesus' Name, Amen!




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