This faith must be powerful if it truly overcomes the world. However, how does it come about? Every man that loves the Lord Jesus Christ and has received Him as Lord has this measure of faith because God has dealt to every born again Christian a measure of faith (Romans 12:3 NKJV). But any man who doesn't have Christ is not born of God and therefore, has no clue of what this godly faith is all about. No wonder the Bible says in John 1:12-13 (NIV): "Yet to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God - children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God."
Reference: 1 John 5:4 New King James Version (NKJV) "For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world— our faith."
Assuredly, our victory is always certain by faith. Now it's important to understand that it's not by your faithfulness, not by your goodness, not by your gentleness, not by your human strength, but by your faith. This faith is woven into every aspect of your Christian being, as a sign that it is your personal property because God Himself gave it to you (refer again to Romans 12:3). Therefore, every Christian, in his or her outward manifestations, should learn to demonstrate this faith, which guarantees the God-kind of results. No wonder apostle Paul pointed out in 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 saying, "My message and my preaching weren't presented with convincing wise words but with a demonstration of the Spirit and of power. I did this so that your faith might not depend on the wisdom of people but on the power of God" (CEB).
As long as your faith rests upon the power of God, you will remain victorious when you exercise it. In the first place, we are saved and sustained by the power of God unto salvation and so, this same power keeps us functioning as world overcomers by our faith demonstrations. And it is nurtured and fortified by the outward evidence of the holy living which the Spirit of God inspires in us. Got it? So faith is the beam of our divine or Christ-like character (2 Corinthians 5:7 CEV). It is the divine currency that delivers any expectations we have in mind, according to God's will.
Now how do we exercise this faith effectively? Firstly, by yielding ourselves to God, as those that have been made alive to Him. For instance, the Bible says, "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7 NIV). Faith that overcomes the world works by submissive reverence to God. The devil will not flee if you have issues with submission to God's divine authority. Yes, whatever is born of God overcomes the world; moreover, we must also acknowledge that whatsoever is born of God is expected to submit to God and keep His Word. So the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith, comes as a result of yielding to, consenting and agreeing with God. In doing so, conquering the world becomes possible; you obtain the victory which becomes yours through faith.
This is the same when it comes to every other aspect of life. If you require to obtain any inheritance revealed in the Word, be it healing, health, material wealth, good gift or any provision, increase or miraculous encounters, such as winning spiritual battles, plus every other divine assistance, as you submit to God and exercise your faith, your victory is sure and certain both in the spiritual and physical realm, and no matter the situation, the enemy will flee. Stay tuned for part 3. Shalom!
Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 15:57; Ephesians 6:10-17; 2 Corinthians 5:7; Hebrews 11:1.
Guided Prayer: My faith is the victory that overcomes the world through the superior exhibition of divine power. By the Spirit of God, I put the glorious truths of the gospel to work to produce enduring effects and results in my life. Glory to God!