God's munificence emanates from the perfection of His glorious and majestic character or attributes, and it is the basis for the accomplishment of His good works and eternal purpose on earth. More below!

Reference: Psalm 71:15 New King James Version (NKJV)
My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness And Your salvation all the day, For I do not know their limits.
In accordance with the syntax of our versified reference, the author mentioned two important aspects of divine munificence in his earnest testimony, namely God's righteousness and His salvation, and I will come to the description of both testimonies shortly.
Have you ever witnessed a great testimony in a Christian gathering or a Church service? I'm not talking about a religious speechifier but a genuine testifier who brings vigorous life to the goodness of God and salvation they have experienced in reality! Indeed, the person's mouth surely tells of the righteousness of God and His salvation, "both" which have no limits in our lives. Simply put, God's righteousness and salvation often cover the full details of a true Christian's testimony.
On the one hand, when the Psalmist said, "My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness", the word, "righteousness" in the context of his situational report at that moment denotes the goodness of God rooted in His just behaviour and upstanding nature. It is the Greek word, "Dikaiosune" which is a deep-rooted emblem in the concept of justice. So the Psalmist was simply saying that he would tell people that God always does what is right (His righteous acts). When you form the habit of making an earnest speech about God's righteousness continually, God will make His grace an "incessant flow" in your life, and out of it, you will draw continual supplies of every needed favour.
On the other, when the Psalmist says, "My mouth shall tell of your salvation all the day", the word, "salvation" is all-encompassing in terms of His saving grace and power. On reflection, "Salvation" is a broad-ranging term and cross-disciplinary phraseology in Greek translation, compared to the wordings used for it in English lexical semantics. In accordance with Strong's Greek definition, it is known as "sōtēria" which suggests the noun words, "rescue or safety" as well as deliverance, healing and health (both physically and morally). More so, the Thayer's Greek lexicon defined "sōtēria" as:
1) deliverance, preservation, safety, salvation.
2) deliverance from the evil plans of enemies and physical danger.
3) Messianic salvation; the present salvation of all true born again Christians and the future salvation of the saints from the world and its decaying and corrupting influences upon the apparent or manifest return of Christ from heaven.
Pertinently, the salvation the Psalmist speaks about has to do with the first two, as listed above. Zero wonder some Biblical translations worded it as "the deeds of His salvation" (and I mean the exploits of His saving power). In a plain language, the Psalmist experienced great amount of deliverance, preservation and safety, especially deliverances from the evil plans of enemies and physical danger. Stay tuned for part 3. Shalom!
Scripture Reading - 1 Chronicles 16:34; Psalm 103:1-5; Isaiah 25:1; Psalm 31:19-20.
Guided Prayer:
Heavenly Father, I am grateful because I receive so much attention from heaven due to your righteous acts and operations of your saving power. The benefits of your goodness and mercy are substantially evident in my life because you favoured me to become united with Christ, which is a peculiar advantage and a special honour, in Jesus' Name, Amen.
