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I sourced today's Scripture from Psalm 119, a long versified poem, which in the Hebrew Grammar, is referred to, by its opening words, as "Ashrei temimei derech" ("happy are those whose way is perfect"), and in Latin language as "Beati inmaculati in via qui ambulant in lege Domini." Let's find out more!

Reference: Psalm 119:123 New Living Translation (NLT) "My eyes strain to see your rescue, to see the truth of your promise fulfilled."

The ESV says, "My eyes long for your salvation and for the fulfilment of your righteous promise."

Here's what I perceived about the author: He didn't have a religious mind or view concerning the promises in God's Word. So he was asking God for proof or demanding for evidence. Got it? Do you know that so many people can recite God's Word or any of His promises concerning any aspect of their lives, but when it comes to taking it to the next level, which is to see the results of the promise in their lives, they are unconcerned about it as though they are complete novice? So because of the nonchalant way they treat the Word, it remains a theory, a system of ideas, or general abstract principles to them. But this should not be so with serious Christians because having religious mind about the Word does not produce results; go for evidence by getting interested in the practical response, in order to experience the tangible outcomes. Beloved, the evidence of God's truth in our lives commands and absorbs the interest of others, especially Christians in the waiting period, who equally desire to see the goodness of God in accordance with their heart's desires.

When the author said, "My eyes strain to see your rescue, to see the truth of your promise fulfilled", He was talking about the manifestation of God's promise in His Word concerning his life. He was longing to see the result since He had come to believe it. He had an expectation in line with God's truth - waiting to manifest. So he was still expectant although it had tarried. Got it? Its like going to see a doctor to check the progress of a pregnancy that has been forming or developing on the inside, and to find out the due date. When a Christian is ready for the fulfillment of God's righteous promise, it denotes that they have located or marshaled all the known versified connotations regarding their expectations and woven them all together into a readable, studious, convincing and meditative technique. So the verses host their conscious attention concerning their expectations. Are you with me? Let me tell you the truth: A splendid compilation of God's promises regarding any desire in your heart is very significant because it establishes God's will and purpose for your desire, and it has a reward in itself because it readily reminds you of your expectations, as well as the time frame between your declarations and their manifestations.

I have observed that sincere Christians who are yearning for the truth of God's promise to be fulfilled in their lives do not do so in vain, as long as they are able to persevere for the evidence, even in the face of stubborn situations. Understand this: God's truths are full of wisdom, and they make us wise when we believe and act on them. However, ýou must go beyond mere belief and actioning, if you are yet to see the manifestation of your expectations, in line with God's promise. Zero wonder Proverbs 24:14 reads, "Know that [skillful and godly] wisdom is [so very good] for your life and soul; If you find wisdom, then there will be a future and a reward, And your hope and expectation will not be cut off" (AMP). Now if you have come to understand that your hope and expectations will never be cut off, then refuse to be double-minded and unstable, but rather, be determined to persist and stand firm on the Word, in spite of contrary opinions, difficulty or opposition. Got it?

Tough Christians who crave for an optimistic, positive, demonstrated evidence of wisdom that is anchored in God's ability to prove Himself faithful and trustworthy, do not eventually get disappointed. They are strong enough to withstand adverse conditions because they have made up their minds to stand on the Word, persevere, hold their ground, and resist all of the devil's suggestions and contrary human opinions until they see the manifestation of their desired expectation. In doing so, they experience the earthly results and enjoy the reality of God's salvation and promises. Shalom!

Scripture Reading - Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 62:5; Proverbs 23:18; Romans 8:25; Hebrews 11:1.

Guided Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank you for the insatiable desire and prodigious interest I have developed for your Word, plus my highly sensitive intelligence, meditative ability and intellectual capacity, inspired by the Spirit to study it and gain the accurate understanding. For this reason, I'm deeply interested in seeing the manifestation of your promises in my life at all times, and as you continually fulfil them, I'm superbly conditioned to remain grateful forever, acknowledging you as the impeccable Almighty and supreme Deity, awesome and proficient in performing wonders, in Jesus' Name, Amen!


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