FFP2 face masks
A FFP2 face mask offers particle filtering to help filter particles entering your body, through your mouth and nose. Buy a FFP2 face mask to protect yourself and those around you when you’re on public transport or shopping during the Coronavirus pandemic. At LloydsPharmacy we can help you find the best face mask for virus protection, whether you need a reusable or disposable face covering. Browse our range of FFP2 face masks today.
Selected and qualitative products
Our products such as FFP2 masks or MNS disposable masks are all tested in Germany and are of the highest quality. All masks go through strict inspection processes, where batches are already rejected due to the smallest defects. Only first-class products receive the necessary seal of approval so that they can be sold as FFP2 masks. You can therefore always rely on the excellent quality of the products when shopping in our online shop.
How does an FFP2 Mask work?
How does such a mask work and what does the FFP designation mean?
Respiratory protection masks help protect our airways from the penetration of harmful microorganisms and particles.
This type of mask protects our respiratory organs from smoke, dust, aerosols and microorganisms and thus provides us with effective protection against COVID-19 infection. Its protective function is standardized in Europe according to the EN 149 standard. The product itself must also be provided with the necessary certificate attesting that it has passed safety, efficacy and quality tests.
The mask can be made of different filter materials, which have one thing in common: they can capture an adequate amount of harmful particles from the air. Therefore, an effective filter is the most important part of a mask.
In the following video, the principle of operation of this type of mask is visually explained. Although it refers specifically to N95s, the mechanism is exactly the same for FFP2s: the particles are trapped in the fiber when touched like a spider web. Plus one key feature: electrostatic filters act like a magnet, attracting particles that might otherwise escape.
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