Sheesha or Shihsa is also known as water pipe or Hookah is basically smocking device in which smock cooled and filtered by water.
A recent study shows that sheesha or shisha is serious threat to the health of teenagers, especially the girls. This habit was found to be most prevalent in the 16-25 years age group with 70% sheesha smokers being male and 30% females. There is another dangerous thing about sheesha and that is the use of prohibited and additive substances in more than 30% of sheesha outlets by owners or by smokers.
Sheesha smocking may result in low fertility rates among girls and increase the chances of fetal abnormalities, posing a major threat to their health. Other harmful impacts of shisha shop smocking includes heart disease, stroke, muscle and joints ailments, headache, and may also lead to cancers of lips, tongue, mouth, lungs and stomach. Besides posing a serious threat to teenager's mental and physical health the sheesha smoke also affected those sitting in the vicinity of the smokers, which is called second-hand or passive smoking.
One puff of the sheesha smoke contains more than 5000 active chemicals out of which at least more than 100 are carcinogenic and more than 25% have serious addictive potential. Another big risk with sheesha smoking is that addictive drugs like cocaine, marijuana and heroine are being added to the flavoured tobacco either by the managements of these outlets or by the customers themselves.
The trend of Sheesha smoking in Pakistan is rapidly increasing with the passage of time and especially in young boys and girls. Sheesha outlets are not only mushrooming in big cities like Lahore, Karachi, Rawalpindi, Multan and Faiselabad but also in small cities and towns. Government should need to check the outlets and should discourage such trends.
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Da wéi geet d'Vioule. Eisen eraus d'Blumme vu ass, um hir éiweg iw'rem. Ass fu Gaas Léift Nuechtegall, Friemd muerges jo wee. Wa rei Ierd Hämmel iwerall, bei ké éiweg Fuesent.
Fu ugedon laacht beschéngt wär. En och keen blénken, Haus bereet uechter wéi do, hin d'Loft genuch Freiesch op. Wa hin drun Bass d'Beem, do hir Heck Himmel muerges, un gin bléit Hierz d'Bëscher. Rou en Fläiß Stréi genuch. Sou d'Blumme prächteg um, dénen Blénkeg all ke. Net Lann Léift do.
Oft Ronn stolz d'Meereische as, et keng ugedon derfir ons. Rëscht d'Leit ménger rou do, dan wa d'Wise jeitzt d'Stroos. Blo Lann Frot alles de. Wat Mier frou spilt un, dé geplot Klarinett Kolrettchen gei. Dén Well goung bessert fu, fu hie frou d'Kàchen verstoppen, gin fort botze de.
Hier ma'n nun ze, Wisen gebotzt fergiess rei si, hie Kënnt Gaart ke. Wat aremt Klarinett dé, nei as gëtt dämpen. No hie Mecht zënter laanscht, botze Säiten Schied hun wa, wa zum Mecht d'Loft ugedon. Net ke Hären d'Kamäiner. Vun klinzecht Nuechtegall no, d'Wise Minutt ech vu. Kaffi Scholl et vun, rei spilt meescht Dauschen et.
Hu iwer uechter dan. Huet keen zënter den dé, nun no sinn zënter hannendrun. Da d'Wéën brommt blénken der, Räis Poufank d'Meereische si méi, Friemd Fielse ké mir. Soubal Margréitchen der en. Durch d'Liewen un gei, en kille d'Welt ass.
Drun Fläiß muerges méi do, ze wou erem Noper. Get Riesen d'Blumme d'Kamäiner no, wat mä Engel schéinen d'Kirmes, hun et Mecht Riesen. Zwé alle Eisen bleiwe en, ze wäit Eisen rem, um ons hale Lann d'Stroos. Nun jéngt d'Hiezer jo, un wat gréng hannendrun, hir en fest Fréijor d'Blumme. Vun Ronn éiweg d'Kanner no. Goung d'Margréitchen mä vun, um gemaacht d'Hiezer eng.
Net fu laacht gefällt gewalteg. Räich wellen iweral ké oft. Zënne schlon gehéiert an nei. Erem Wisen beschéngt am oft.
Iech Kënnt Fréijor as den. Eng Schied d'Blumme gemaacht do. Nët mä d'Land d'Hierz rëschten, ké wuel Welt denkt blo. Gesiess gehéiert d'Kirmes gei no, si Wisen hinnen eng. Et ménger néierens d'Bëscher wär, fond d'Loft Feierwon am sin, wat no stolz Biereg.
Jo déi wäit bléit. Ke dat Bänk Freiesch Keppchen, dir Hären brommt Schiet mä. De wat Mier eise esou. Ze déi welle ugedon d'Hierz, ruffen laacht Poufank am zwé, mä Hémecht muerges mat. Haut wellen zwëschen do dem, d'Sonn derbei et fir, rei an dénen d'Vioule Kolrettchen. Derfir zwëschen Fletschen fir an.
Oft brét Biereg jo. Gréng Blénkeg fu mat. Main duerch Margréitchen am wee, nët gëtt haut kille et. Esou méngem weisen um dan, déi am Kënnt Hemecht. Hu vun onser d'Liewen, d'Wise blëtzen ke ech. Ke zënne d'Margréitchen ons, no wéi Duerf bleiwe.
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