Site layout has a lot to do with whether or not visitors will stick with your site or flee from it. Studies show that a site visitor takes less than three seconds to decide if dark web sites they are going to stay on your Web site once they arrive. They will take another thirty seconds to read further and finally, take another three seconds to decide if they will click to any additional pages.
I am going to assume that you are interested in building a site that is more than just about you and that you are either trying to get a specific message out to your audience or are trying to make some money by selling your own products or as an affiliate.
Now, that said, the first thing you must do is realize why people use the Web and why they arrived at your site in the first place: To obtain information or content. They are not visiting to be impressed by your graphics, your knowledge of animation or how many fonts you have access to. Once again, they visit for content. The graphics, look and feel of the site are there to support your content and message.
The most visited sites on the Web include Yahoo, Google, MSN, and eBay. Look at any of them and you will notice something in common. They are simple and easy to read, like a newspaper or magazine. The reason is that these layouts are both proven and what we have been seeing since we were children. They are easy on the eyes and easy to follow. When was the last time you picked up a newspaper or book that had reverse fonts on a black background? If the goal of your site is to get visitors to read the content, then make it easy for them to do so.
It is your job to communicate as effectively and clearly as possible. Imagine your reader looking at you and asking "Are you talking to me?" and "What are you trying to tell me?" Remember that layout is a means to an end and the end purpose is to get your page read. Take advantage of our known reading habits. Don't' try to start a new trend that can invite failure. I've listed some layout and copy tips below that should help your visitors
Layout Tip 1: Your layout should be planned so the sections are in a grid. Your visitors are used to reading from top to bottom and from left to right so give them what they are used to. The top of you page will have your banner or masthead logo.
Layout Tip 2: Your navigation bar will ideally be running down the left side of the page. Some will put them on the top but we are used to looking to the left so give your visitors what they are used to.
Layout Tip 3: Use black or other dark font on a white or very light background. You should use Arial or other sans serif font. Research has shown this font style is easier to read on a Web site. Once again, make it easy to read. If you really have the urge to be creative, do so with your words, not the layout.
Layout Tip 4: Use headlines to draw visitors to important sections. The purpose of your headline is to draw your reader to the content so make it compelling. Use sub-headlines to draw attention to the next section. Many readers will skim headlines and bullet points to determine if they will read further so layout your site with this type of reader in mind.
Layout Tip 5: Keep your paragraphs to five to seven lines. Long paragraphs scare many readers away.
Layout Tip 6: Use bullet points. They make it easy for readers to absorb the main points without having to read a lot of content.
Layout Tip 7: Be sure your graphics serve to support your message and do not detract from it.
Layout Tip 8: Do not break up your copy with bold borders, pictures or graphics. If they break up the flow of your message, you will lose readers.
Layout Tip 9: Make your links underlined blue fonts. That is what readers are used to seeing on Web pages so make it easy for them to find your links.
Layout Tip 10: Start with your copy and content, not with your layout. This helps to insure your layout supports and strengthens the copy and the message.
There is no magic or mystery to layout or site design. Keep it simple. Make it easy to read and make it pleasant on the eyes of your readers. Let your competition confuse them with "creative graphics" while you get regular visitors who enjoy returning to your site to learn more or buy more!
Paul Flood Marketing shows you how to unleash the power of the Web to grow your sales and profits. Learn the secrets of creating Web sites packed with dark web sites content that deliver a constant stream of unique visitors interested in buying from you, again and again.