PHP is world class open source programming language. It is also known as Personal home page and Hypertext Preprocessor. It was invented in 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf, Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski. It is server site scripting language which is developed with help of C language. It has become popular language for web development. With the help of PHP you can create dynamic websites and complex web applications. It is object oriented language just like JAVA.
As it is popular; many webmasters prefer to create their web application with PHP. Different types of Content Management Systems (CMS) are created with it and several are under development. Drupal, Joomla and Word-Press are the examples of CMS that are created with PHP.
As PHP is popular, their is a need of skilled Hire Node.Js Freelancer. You can find a lot of outsourced projects in PHP. Many webmaster need expert Coder and application developers in PHP.

Following types of projects are available under PHP Web Development
Custom Web Development
Developing a Custom Content Management System as per requirement
Word-Press Customization
Word-Press Plug-In Development
Joomla Customization
Shopping-Cart Development
Creating Social Networking Sites
Creating Themes (Custom Design) for Word-Press, Drupal and Joomla and other CMS
So if you are Expert in PHP; then you can find thousands of outsourced Hire Node.Js Hire Node.Js Freelancer projects in PHP. There are plenty of Hire Node.Js Hire Node.Js Freelancer jobs websites with provide Hire Node.Js Hire Node.Js Freelancer work in PHP and other web development technologies also. You need to sign up to those website to get projects. You can earn handsome amount of income by completing this projects.