As Christians, the confidence we have in this present world is that we are God's own children. We belong to God, not because we are have merited or earned it by good works but because of His love for us, which is shed abroad in our hearts through His Spirit within us.

Reference: Romans 8:16 New American Standard Bible (NASB) "The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God."
In the above verse, the Greek word for testify is "martureó". It is to bear witness, give evidence or give a good report. The Holy Spirit utters honourable testimony and gives a well spoken report with confirmation from our spirit that we belong to God. The Holy Spirit does this by divine revelation or inspiration, while our spirit affirms with Him that we are experiencing it.
Being a child of God is a great honour and an undeniable proof of love from God the Father. Paul specifically mentioned that we are not just the children of God; we are also heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17). How did this happen? John 1:12 (KJV) reads, "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name."
Sometimes we come across some Christians who aren't sure of their salvation and as a result, they don't feel so. When this happens, they doubt their belief in Christ Jesus. To fan the flames, Satan also attempts to whisper shortcoming comments to them or slander and discredit them by making accusations about them before God. Interestingly, here is the truth: Our salvation does not run on the strength of feelings and emotions; it runs on the strength of conviction and encounters sustained by the ability of the precious Holy Spirit in us. This is why every born again Christian must stay in constant fellowship and intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit, for that is the only way to witness the assurance and notifications of His testimony in their spirit.
Satan accuses a Christian before God because He doesn't want them to enjoy God's grace or want God to extend grace on them, but the Holy Spirit bears a good witness about a Christian in the sight of God. This means that the testimony of the Holy Spirit with our spirit, which confirms that we are children of God, is of paramount importance. Otherwise, we wouldn't be wise enough to detect Satan's tactics so we would not succumb to his deception or accept his lies. When we are always in tune with the Holy Spirit, the accusations of the enemy will easily be proven wrong, until we travel to a place in God where the devil's whisper is no longer noticeable. At any given time, all that Satan wants for every Christian is to walk in doubt concerning their salvation and to feel unworthy, but thank God for the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
The conviction that God loves us enough to make us His children is just one of the amazing aspects of the work of the Holy Spirit in us. This "knowing" is more than just an inside information. It assures us of our sense of intimacy, fellowship, and oneness with the Spirit of God. Through the Holy Spirit, our communication and relationship with God can ascend to any level because of His work in us. Since He bears witness with our spirit that we are God's own, He can take us to a greater level of intimacy with God, now that we are sure of our salvation in Christ. Unbelievers do not have such witness with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, they have no relationship with God as His children. But for God's children, we are becoming increasingly aware of who we are on a regular basis, because the Spirit Himself continually testifies so with our spirit. Shalom!
Scripture Reading - Acts 5:32; Romans 8:14; Galatians 3:26; 1 John 3:1; Galatians 4:6; 1 John 5:10.
Exuberant Declaration: I believe in Christ Jesus, the Son of the living God and I have the witness in my spirit, in sync with the testimony of the Holy Spirit, that I'm a child of God. I rejoice in this truth always, which is the foundation of my hope in Christ and the conscience of my bold confidence in God. Praise God!
