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The Christian's heart is truly precious to God. This heart is the spiritual aspect of man, not the biological heart. So the spiritual heart is delightful, and very endearing to God. When you see a Christian testifying of his affection to God, it flows from his heart due to the spiritual relation he has with Him. In other words, it is from this heart that a Christian can declare the great esteem he has for God, and express the true love he has for Him.

Reference: Ephesians 3:20-17 New International Version (NIV) "I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong."

It's a wonderful thing when Christ comes to dwell in our hearts through faith. Beloved, if Christ makes His home in our hearts, it means that we've been strengthened by His Spirit with an inner strength. Jesus Christ can only dwell in our hearts by our faith in Him. What does it mean, when Paul says, "by faith?" It means we have come to believe that He lives in our heart even though we do not see Him physically. Our heart includes our mind, emotion, will, and conscience. Christ wants our heart to be His permanent home, where He establishes the supremacy to live and reign. As we receive Him by faith, we accept His Kingdom and welcome His reign in our hearts. That way, He is no longer a visitor since He permanently resides in our hearts as Lord.

When Christ makes His home in our hearts, He begins to register His will in it and He then becomes the voice of our hearts. How does this happen? 2 Corinthians 4:6 (NLT): "For God, who said, "Let there be light in the darkness," has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.'" In other words, when Christ dwells in your heart, you become very important to God. The glorious perfections of God that beam in the face of Christ will begin to reflect on the inner eyes and the heart of the Christian, and this has the effect of transforming them into the same image. So the more we behold this brilliant and glorious light, the more we reflect back its rays from one degree to another.

Beloved, it is such a great beauty and honour that Christ can dwell in our hearts by faith because from there, He sets forth His presence as being "the reflection" of the infinite glories of God to the mind and heart of a born again Christian. Shalom!

Scripture Reading - Romans 8:10; Colossians 1:27; Galatians 2:20; Revelation 3:20.

Exuberant Declaration: I acknowledge that Christ actively lives in me. My earthen vessel is a precious treasure to the Spirit of God, because I'm bought with a high price by the precious blood of Jesus, who reveals the glory of God in my life to the world from within. With Christ residing in my heart, I'm blessed with all spiritual blessing relating to God, His nature and perfections; His mind and His will. Hence, I have eternal hope flowing over the top of my life's affairs and my roots constantly grow down into God's love and keep me strong in faith. Hallelujah!


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