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Question 2 addresses the topic : FAITH ACTIONS.

It's important that I throw more light on this topic (Faith actions) so that you'll be properly enlightened about it. This further enlightenment is designed for the simple-minded.

"Faith actions" is one of the best topics I've written about faith. It is entirely based on the Word of God. In fact its the undiluted truth in the Word. Now if you're wrongly focused about this topic, you will get the great points from topic wrong and you'll lose out on the lesson it conveys. It's important to note that Hebrews chapter 11 did not just define what faith is. It also introduced to us various levels of faith actions and their results.

Don't miss out on what the Holy Spirit is trying to teach us here. According to Hebrews chapter 11, faith has levels, just like truth has levels. In Moses' case, it was a faith that rejected a great deal of favour and fame. Why? Because He had a greater purpose and assignment God wanted Him to fulfil. For this reason, the force of his assignment was pulling him to where he would have a personal encounter with God - which was away from the palace. So his faith was a function of heavy sacrifice. He sacrificed the pleasures of life, until God met him at a corner where he taught him the highways of the Spirit.

Understand that God was pulling Moses to His assignment because of the wickedness of Pharaoh toward the children of Israel. Due to the level of His sacrifice, God ended up making him like God to Pharaoh (Exodus 7:1). His encounters with God were extraordinary. God sometimes called Moses to the top of the mountain, just to meet with him. Instead of a Prince under Pharaoh, Moses was made like God over Pharaoh. It's still a function of the level of sacrifice he made. He paid the price when he rejected the palace. He had to be separated from pleasures of Egypt, which was for a season, in order to judge Egypt, because the things you reject or sacrifice, God empowers you to dominate and judge it in the long run. If he didn't pay such level of price, maybe he would've enjoyed the palace, while God would've raised another person to deliver the Israelites from Egypt. Who knows if Moses would've perished with the Egyptians. Beloved, if you stick too much to your earthly appetite, you may not travel far with God.

Now Moses' function is not applicable to you because if God has not called you or given you such assignment, or laid a burden in your heart to reject the palace, you have no business rejecting such honour. For instance, if your assignment is to function in the palace like Esther did, then your assignment will pull you to the palace. Your aim must be - to develop a serious level of intimacy with the Holy Spirit, so as to act on His specific instructions for you. Whether its a faith that takes action or rejects action, it must be based on a truth prompted by the Spirit of God or the Word of God. So whenever you are taking a step of faith, it must be because its based on a truth in the Word.

In your case, a faith that rejects may not be like Moses' situation. God can ask you to reject a gift or even a job, because He has a better gift in mind for you. If you don't have faith in that instruction, you will accept the gift and disobey God's voice, thereby missing out on the better gift God has for you. So the topic does not mean you should reject the palace in your world. The topic simply examined the level of sacrifice a mortal man made, which paid him off in the long run. Please let it sink into your spirit.

I have heard that God told a man to reject a great job, because of what God knew about the company. He went for a lesser job that paid less. But later (with time), the company that offered him the great job faced a serious financial crisis, while the small company he joined lasted and He was promoted and blessed to a point that he later bought the great company the Lord asked him to reject.

First of all, we must understand that our relationships with God are not the same. We are all Christians but we don't have the same intimacy with God. We are all wired differently, due to our specific purposes. For some Christians, their goal is to be more relevant in eternity than in the earth realm. All you see in time is not all there is. All appetites aren't the same; the things that motivate you are not the things that motivate them. So what must you do? Raise the level of your relationship with the Holy Spirit so you can get the specific whispers for your purpose and act on them continually...

Finally, your faith actions are more based on your personal relationship with God, than collective relationships. Remain blessed and ruggedly focused.



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