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Remembrance is very important in human history. For instance, Remembrance Day in the United Kingdom takes place annually on every second Sunday of the month of November. This observance is a day for honouring the heroic efforts, achievements and sacrifices that were made in past wars. Remembrance Day is mostly observed in the Commonwealth countries. Though there are many other observances in today's world set aside as specific days or dates to remember significant people or events, the instruction given to us by Jesus on the night He was betrayed stands out from the rest.

This is because there is a deep and mind-boggling revelation associated with the Lord's supper. It is symbolic of the memorial of Christ, who by crucifixion on the cross saved us from eternal damnation. His death is more special and significant than any heroic efforts or sacrifices ever made by any human in the history of mankind because He made atonement for all sins and set before us an ordinance for eternal life, and so this unique remembrance serves as the cornerstone of our Christian faith.

Reference: Luke 22:19-20 New International Version (NIV) 'And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me. In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.'

The Lord's supper is a sign or memorial of Christ who gave up His life in order for us to live and not perish. Nothing can be compared to the nourishing and satisfying of our soul, than the remembrance of Christ, making atonement for sin, and the assurance of gaining eternal life through that atonement. Therefore we're instructed by the Lord Himself, to do this in remembrance of what He did for us, when He died for us; and for a memorial of what we do, in joining ourselves to Him as one body in an everlasting covenant.

The breaking of Christ's body as a sacrifice for us, is represented by the breaking of bread, while the shedding of Christ's blood, by which the atonement was made, is represented by the wine in the cup. Therefore in remembrance of Jesus, we must never forget that the bread is the emblem of His body, and wine, the emblem of His blood, by which the new covenant was sealed. Anytime we partake of this bread and of this cup, we partake of the New Testament sealed with the blood of Christ, and so we are spiritual partakers of Christ's body and blood.

As a child of God, led by the Spirit, anytime you take the communion, your spiritual eyes become more and more open and you behold His glory. This shows the excellency of the testament. Remember the story of the disciples on the road going to Emmaus, which is about seven miles from Jerusalem. The disciple named Cleopas was walking to Emmaus with another disciple when they met Jesus. Though they had notable conversations with Jesus over the course of His death, they did not recognize Him the whole moment as the Messiah they knew and loved, probably because their faith had been shaken. Their communion with Jesus eventually opened their eyes to recognise Him (read Luke 24:13-35). That's the mystery of Communion. It is a branch or technology of grace that makes it possible for us to recognize Jesus and behold His glory.

Paul also said, 'For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes' (1 Corinthians 11:26 NIV). Mark the word, 'whenever'. 'Whenever' implies, 'at whatever time; on whatever occasion'. You can observe it whenever you need it, even in your closet (Acts 2:46). This means that it can be taken on a personal note, not only when we gather as God's people. Therefore, when we practise observing the Holy communion as often as possible, we remember the Lord, proclaim His death, and declare ourselves to be in union with Him and with one another. Also note that regardless of our situation, we can faithfully remember His sacrifice for us in our daily thoughts, words, and deeds. Praise God!

Scripture Reading - John 6:53; Luke 24:30; Acts 2:42; 1 Corinthians 10:16; Acts 20:7.

Guided Prayer: Thank you Father in heaven for the perfect Sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. It's an honour and a privilege to fellowship with you through Holy Communion. I remember what Jesus did for me by observing and taking the communion regularly and I reflect on the costly price He paid for my sins, by dying on the cross. I'm grateful and overwhelmed by the blessing that flows from the symbolic bread and wine and I adore you for the amazing grace at work in my life, in Jesus' Name, Amen!




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