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I have joyfully carved out this topic from a popular Scripture in the book of Lamentations authored by the weeping prophet, known as Jeremiah, under the editorship of his scribe and disciple, namely Baruch Ben Neriah. Felicitously, I will introduce this topic by mentioning the Hebrew title of Lamentations, which is Kinah or qinah (plural kinoth, qinoth), denoting a dirge or lamentation, a fixed attitude of grief.

The Greek title is known as "odurmos", which denotes wailing, mourning or sorrow. In his day, the Jewish professional mourning women were known for singing songs of lamentation. The subtitle in Jerome's Vulgate reads: "I'd est lamentationes Jeremiae prophetae," and through this title, English language got its translation which renders a well-chosen term known as "The Lamentations of Jeremiah."

Reference: Lamentations 3:22-23 English Standard Version (ESV)

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

I'm quite aware that this verse has continued to stir the hearts of Spirit-led Christians, as well as strengthen their faith in the Lord throughout the years. And from the standpoint of our versified reference, you'll notice that Jeremiah progressed in acknowledging divine fatherhood - verse by verse - and in the process, he turned tragedy of a tearstained face or image of Jerusalem into triumph by introducing the efficacy of the love of God, His abundant mercies and substantial faithfulness. Indeed, the steadfast love of the Lord does not cease; His mercies have no end; and His faithfulness is so great.

For the reason and purpose of insightful enlightenment to be revealed by my incisive and thoughtful exposition, I have split the versified statement into three segments, namely:

1. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;

2. His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning;

3. Great is your faithfulness.

In the light of God's love, He knows and understands His children, and I'm expounding this topic for you to readily appreciate the intrinsic beauty of His unconditional love in the lives of His people. Lamentation describes the situation of the people of God who strayed, and were accordingly disciplined without comfort, such that they were full of reproach, but gracefully, Jeremiah who stood in the gap, understood God's unfailing character and so, he sought comfort and found hope in the canopy of His enduring love, in the multitude of His mercies and in the inexhaustible nature of His faithfulness which is as broad as the day.

Stay tuned for the successive parts of this topic, which comes without doubtful genuineness of God's hallmarks. Shalom!

Scripture Reading - Genesis 32:10; Genesis 39:21; 1 King 3:6; 1 Chronicles 16:34.

Exuberant Declaration:

My inextricable union to the Son of God, namely Christ Jesus, has positioned me to become alive, receptive and responsive to the glorious nature of God's steadfast love, mercies and faithfulness in my life. Glory to God!


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