Jesus Christ is the invincible King of kings and the unquestioned Lord of lords. Being the Son of God, He is of the same substance (essence) with God, and the whole creation revolves around Him. Therefore it is important that we gain the knowledge of Christ's supremacy in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.
Reference: Colossians 1:15-16 New International Version (NIV) 'The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.'
Jesus is the first born over all creation and I will come to that. Though Jesus is God the Son in trinity, He is the same with God in equality. John 10:30 (NASB) says, "I and the Father are one", meaning that they are one and the same. Again the Bible says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). The Word was there in the beginning. The Word was with God and was God. In other words, Jesus was God and is still God. Jesus as the Son, is the image of the invisible God.
When Jesus was born of a woman on earth, He became the visible image of the invisible God. The unseen God became seen, in the form of Jesus, which means that He was 'God in human form.' No wonder John 1:14 (NIV) says, 'The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.' This was the only way men were able to behold God in the natural. God had to become flesh and dwell among us.
What does the Scripture mean by Jesus as 'God the Father's firstborn of all creation'? Does it mean that God created Him first before any other creation? Emphatically No! Since Jesus is God, it means that God cannot create Himself because He doesn't have a beginning and an end. He is the creator of all things. However, in this context, the term "firstborn over all creation" refers to supremacy, or priority. Jesus is the greatest over all creation. He is not a created being; He is the Creator. This is why the second part of our referenced Scripture reads, 'For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.' Notice the phrase, 'for in Him all things were created'. In other words, it was in Jesus that all creation was happening. Notably, creation happened in His dimension, not outside of Him. Therefore as God, all things were created in Him. As the Word, all things were made through Him and as a supreme Deity, all things were created for Him. Otherwise, Christ would not be eternal.
The supremacy of the Son of God in heaven and on earth cannot be challenged or questioned by any creature in existence. Nothing in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities can stand against Him. In the book of Revelation, His name is called the Word of God (Revelation 19:13 KJV). John said, 'All things were made by Him, and without Him was nothing made. Whatever that was made was through the life in Him, and the life was the light of men. He is the light that shines in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not' (John 1:5 KJV). That's supremacy, dominion, primacy, absolute authority, mastery and sovereign influence.
Jesus Christ is the written Word of God (Logos). He is identified as an incarnation of the Logos that formed the entire universe. That means, all things were not just made in Him, He was God's instrument in creation, as well as, the source of all creation. Psalm 33:6 (NLT) says, 'The LORD merely spoke, and the heavens were created. He breathed the word, and all the stars were born.' Jesus is God in self-revelation (Light), the embodiment of divine wisdom (Sophia), and a life-giving Spirit (Zoe). Hallelujah!
Scripture Reading - Matthew 3:17; John 5:26; Romans 1:4; Hebrews 1:8; Colossians 1:17-18.
Guided Prayer: Precious God, I thank you for granting me insight into mysteries and secrets of the knowledge of your Son, Jesus Christ. All of reality is the result of the power of your Word, known as Jesus. The whole creation, such as everything imaginable: heaven, earth, visible, invisible, the angels and spiritual powers, exists for His glory, and from Him, through Him and to Him are all things made. Unto you be glory and honour forever and ever, in Jesus' Name, Amen!