Are you aware that euphoria and paean magnify the intensity of a joyous state of mind? When both combinations are exemplified or demonstrated, they create for us, an atmospheric system on earth that is as glorious as the heavenly. To that effect, Isaiah 55:12 reads, "You will indeed go out with joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands" (NIV).
In other words, as you go about, carrying on with your daily activities in a state of euphoria, the topography of your natural environment and the aesthetic nature of landscape around you, become your trumpeters and musicians, joining themselves in unison to give praise and thanks to the Lord - just for your sake. Indeed, that's a sign of being engulfed in the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!
Reference: Ephesians 5:19 The Voice (VOICE) "When you are filled with the Spirit, you are empowered to speak to each other in the soulful words of pious songs, hymns, and spiritual songs; to sing and make music with your hearts attuned to God."
There are rewarding significances of joyful ebullience, considering the development of my thoughts in relation to the above versified reference. And that is, when you are constantly filled with the Spirit, the joy of the Lord offers you interesting range of spiritual benefits in your everyday experience. Among those benefits are: freedom from negative influences, beauty of the Spirit, virtues of divine truth, heartfelt gratitude, heightened involvement in generous deeds, lovely thoughts of appreciation, reverence and deference, vitality and radiance, and, of course, upon these benefits, we mount the pennant of our Christian faith.
When we keep on engaging the influence of euphoria and paean, we become more capable of establishing the force of stability, in terms of strengthening our relationships with God and fellow Christians. In doing so, we learn to rest in His love and continue our functionalities embedded in divine purpose - in His love, without any variation. Moreover, beloved, getting constantly filled with the Spirit, is peculiar to God's people who are born again Christians. Of course, we can't do without His governing influence and divine ability, because its only by His gracious presence that we can meaningfully sing paean - both with our spirit and our understanding - attuned to God. Pauline epistolary principle stated this verity in 1st Corinthians 14:15 (AMP) by saying, "...I will sing with the spirit [by the Holy Spirit that is within me] and I will sing with the mind [using words I understand]." Got it? Hallelujah!
Regardless of chaos, sudden outrage of wars, great troubles and tribulations arising in several parts of the world, the uninterrupted streaming of grace and truth originated in the person of Jesus Christ dwelling in our hearts, always becomes possible through our responsive perception of participating in euphoric expressions and paean. In a nutshell, by engaging both terms, we remain disconnected and thoroughly fortified from the influence of those negativities, and triumphantly, we stay blended with divinity at all times. Beloved, don't ever ignore or forget the significance of Jesus' encouraging speech, which is designed to build our courage and confidence in Him, amid sad occurrences in today's world, as stated in John 16:33, which reads: "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world" (NLT).
Euphoria and paean can quicken us or inspire and kindle our consciousness more so, for miraculous moments of divine visitations and experiential transformations in the arena of God's presence. Having such illustrative purpose in mind, I urge you to stay tuned for the final part of this topic, in order to gain an in-depth expository awareness of the miraculous. Shalom!
Scripture Reading - Psalm 9:11; Isaiah 43:23; Psalm 33:1-3; Isaiah 49:13; Psalm 96:1-2.
Guided Prayer: Gracious Father in heaven, your unconditional love impels me to continually partake of your grace through the inspiration of praise and worship - in remembrance of all that Jesus did for me on the cross. Thank you Father for the recognition of your goodness upon my life through euphoria and paean, which in turn, displays divine favour and manifold blessings in my life, without measure, in Jesus' Name, Amen!