Today I'm going to talk about God's plan for your future. Plan is a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something. Any purpose in life is dead without a plan. Even God's purpose for your life needs a plan and He has that plan which you must engage for your future. In other words, your future in Christ is structured and established on the power of God's planning.

Reference: Jeremiah 29:11 Amplified Bible (AMP) 'For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,' says the LORD, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.'
Today's Scripture is telling you that all of your tomorrow is assured in Christ and is in God's hands, because God has a plan already in place to favour you and guarantee your glorious destiny in Christ. The above verse is not exactly saying that we know every event that will take place in the future but its assuring you that no matter what happens, God has got your back because He's planned for your good ahead of time. That means, your case is different.
In the physical world we live, the only certainty is uncertainty, but in Christ, our certainty is the Word of God. For the reason of uncertainty in the world, many are constantly bothered by this question: What if? And most of the anxieties people have are about what might happen tomorrow. Now I don't mean that you should not to plan ahead, rather, I mean that you should never be anxious or troubled about anything, including your tomorrow, even as you plan ahead. Why? This is because God has crafted and designed a solid plan for your peace and prosperity and a great future.
I can list the ideas of "what ifs" in the minds of many today. For instance, what if the economy fails and I lose my job? How will I survive? What if my parents become out of condition, how will my family survive? What if I lose my contract in this present time? How will I cope? What if my faith fails me in trying times? How will I succeed? Today, the "what if" anxiety is increasing in abundance and this tends to regulate our mindset and the choices we make. However God's Word today interrupts your "what ifs" and empowers you to believe and declare that "you know". What must you know? You must know that God has the best plans and thoughts for you; plans for peace, prosperity and well-being, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. This is because if you don't know this and believe in it, it won't work for you.
Paul says, 'And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them' (Romans 8:28 NLT). Paul was never not familiar with the "what if" syndrome. He knew God's plan and how it works. Same way, you can rest assured that this is the case with you and your future because your heavenly Father has already arranged it to be glorious for you. All you need is to align with His perfect plan for your life by cooperating with the Holy Spirit on a regular basis and all "what if" questions in your mind will evaporate. You don't need to worry about uncertainty in the world because your Father knows what you need for the future and in the future. That's why He introduces you to His Word and then equips and fortifies you with it so you can stay in touch with His plan and purpose. But always remember, it is the Holy Spirit that helps you with this plan until you master it as a way of living. Therefore ensure that you stay in a committed relationship with Him.
Look at it this way, if we gladly gave up all our yesterdays to the Lord, turning over to Him our sins, doubts and fears, which He nailed to the cross and gave us a new life and a new beginning, why don't we do the same with our tomorrows? Paul says, "One thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead" (Philippians 3:13). Think about His statement for a while. If what was ahead of Paul is doom, do you really think He would be enthusiastic about reaching forward to His future? I don't think so. He knows that what is ahead can only be glorious. So He forgets those things that are behind and presses forward to His future.
Scripture Reading - Psalms 37:23; Proverbs 16:9; Matthew 6:27; 1 Corinthians 2:9.
Exuberant Declaration: Your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. As I continually engage in God's plan, the Lord will fulfil His purpose for me. Hallelujah!
